Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Calypso's guide to curing the sneezles.

The following is my guide to feeling better when you're sick in that really urksome way where you feel like crap but there's nothing seriously wrong with you (or, as I call it, when you're sick with the sneezles :P):
  1. If you're up to it, take a bath. Or a shower. People tend to ignore their personal hygiene when they're sick. I totally get this and sometimes I do it too cause I just hate the idea of dragging myself out of bed... But if you can, I would seriously recommend cleaning yourself. It makes you feel sooo much better! Being sick sucks by itself, but being sick AND stanky?? Horrible!
  2. Put on your favorite, most comfortable PJs! Now that you're all squeaky clean, it's time to get this party started! Fuzzy socks are good too btw. :) Sorry, I'm just a big believer in the power of socks. With a good pair of socks, I feel that you can accomplish anything. I mean.. think about it. Abraham Lincoln was wearing socks when he abolished slavery. And Einstein? He wore socks almost every day of his life, and probably when he came up with the theory of relativity! Rosa Parks? You know she was totally wearing socks on that bus. Michael Jackson? Wore socks every time he danced. ALL GREAT MEN AND WOMEN WEAR SOCKS. They all breathe too. Shut UP, italic me...
  3. Now since you're sick, you really don't want to infect all your friends and family, and you're probably not up for entertaining people anyways, but that doesn't mean you have to spend the whole day all by yourself!!! That's what we have cats for! And stuffed animals! And don't be such a drama queen, this isn't the Velveteen Rabbit. You don't have to burn all the toys you touched while you were sick... I mean seriously, what the hell was that doctor thinking? Hasn't he ever heard of a washing machine?? Ummm Calypso, they didn't have washing machines. And the kid was sick with scarlet fever, not the "sneezles". It's kind of different. Ahhhh go away, italic me. Anyways, after you've gathered all your plushy bff's or whatever your equivalent is, it's time to...
  4. ...pick a location to totally take over!! You either want a room with a TV and a super comfy couch/bed, or your own bedroom, with access to a laptop or television as well. TV is, for me at least, the greatest thing ever when you're sick. I wouldn't survive my sneezles without it. If you want to check out some of my fav TV shows, check out this post. When I'm sick, I like to watch: the early seasons of "The Office" and "Grey's Anatomy", "House", "30 Rock", "Psych" and "Frasier". I also like to veg out to movies! Likeee... "When Harry Met Sally" or "You've Got Mail" or "Sleepless in Seattle"! I don't know why, Meg Ryan just makes me feel better. :) Fun Fact: she's my dad's celebrity crush! How adorable and hilarious is that? Also, if all you have is a laptop, might I recommend Netflix Instant Streaming? Totally great and so worth the monthly payment. And very handy when you're sick! is good too if you don't have NIS but still want to watch some good TV shows.
  5. While TV and movies and stuffed animals and socks are all very awesome, there's nothing like the loving care of a family to get you feeling good as new! Make sure they all know that you're horribly, and on the verge of TERMINALLY, ill. ;) That way, you know they'll take gooood care of you and bring you all the weirdly specific snacks and beverages that you demand! I have a really weird and sporadic appetite when I'm sick. I'll be hunger-strikin' it out like Gandhi for the first few days, then all of a sudden I'll start craving the weirdest foods and drinks. Luckily, I have an awesome Maman who supplies me with all my weird dietary desires and a lovely Papa who makes me all the tea I could ever need! Oh, and a beautiful brother who brings all of this stuff right to my room! ....for the low, low price of $2.99 and the promise that I won't disturb him while he watches his precious Doctor Who... :P
  6. After you've done all of this, don't forget to get your vitally important beauty sleep! Really, sleep is sooo important if you want to make a full recovery. Just sleep whenever you can, whether that be 1 in the morning, or 1 in the afternoon. If you're like me though, sleeping will be very hard when you're sick... so the second best thing is rest! And TEAAA!!! With honey, for your throat. MMMmmmmmmm :) No coffee kids! Coffee is BAAAD for your sneezles. Bad! Don't you go sneaking it behind my back now... It's for your own good.
Nobody reading this is probably actually sick but it is that time of year so you might be very soon... You never knoww... So yeahhh.. If you do get the sneezles, that's my advice. :) Hope it helps! 

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