Sunday, April 15, 2012


Just so you know I haven't forgotten you, my beautiful blog. I have to say, you are one of my favorite things. You're like my little private therapist who I pour all my problems and insignificant chit chat into! Thanks for that. Oh and thank you to anybody who reads it as well. :) I'm still on semi-hiatus, but I just thought I'd pop in and share some photos. Though it is nice to take a break, I feel really weird not having blogged for a whole... oh wow, it's only been a week!

So here are some pictures of various things that have been going on in my life...

SPRING BREAK! Admittedly, it was not very spring-ish.


My brother gave me this note with a bowl of flowers. <3

Lately I've been doing a lot of jewelry making:

It was also my dad's birthday recently! Yay! Another step towards death.

That's all for now! I have to go throw water in my little brother's face. Bye!!

xo Calypso

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I am going to make this brief.

Lately I have been rather unhappy. Great things have happened, and I have the most friends I've ever had... and yet, I don't feel any better about life. I don't think I'm really depressed. I've just never been one of those kinds of positive people. I'm great at smiling and looking happy and don't get me wrong--I can BE happy--I'm just generally melancholy a large majority of the time. Oh well. Anyways, I'm saying all this because I think I need to take a break from blogging for a few weeks, so I can devote some more time to staring moodily out rainy windows. I'm not saying I won't blog at all in the next month but I'm just going to take the pressure off of it. You see, I usually feel really guilty when I neglect my blogs for too long. My poor sketch blog is probably about a month behind actually and it's killing me. And my poor book blog is on hiatus before it even got to begin! Oh well...

Anywho, with this post, I am officially freeing myself from blogging obligations. Officially. So maybe the guilt will go away... Okay, I'm gonna go enjoy my blogging break now. Please don't forget me! I won't forget you!!

So I'll see you later. Eventually...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I really, really don't like homework. (But I do like dried up leaves boiled in water.)

Which is why I'm writing this super short post. In an effort to avoid it.


Argh, now I have to go back to my English essay. At least I have my tea! That's right I'm drinking tea and writing an essay. Like a bad ass. And might I add, not one cup of tea. Two. Simultaneously. One is jasmine and one is rooibos, because I'm very, very bad at choosing between the two. :P
Now if you'll excuse me, I must depart! Though I have to say I've really been itching to make another mix tape.... Maybe I'll take a homework break in an hour and do that! Heheheh, we shall see.