Friday, November 11, 2011

The 11/11/11 Santa Claus must really like me. :D

Hello! Did you make a wish? I forgot. :O
Guess I'll try again at 11:11 PM! Wish or no wish, I had an awesome day... Yeah, that's right. I. Went. Shopping. And it left me thinking, "MY GOD, Urban Outfitters is the GREATEST store in the WORRLLLDDD!!!" I really do love that place... They have awesome clothing and even though the prices of said clothing make me saddd, they still have really cool non-clothing stuff there that isn't expensive but equally fantastic!! Not to mention... AWESOME SALES! And that's why I'm so happy. :)
Maybe because it's 11/11/11, I walked into Urban Outfitters and found out they were having this MASSSIVE sale!! That's right. All caps and an additional 'S'. I'm telling you, it was huge. Anyways, there were a ton of cool shoes, but sadly, none of them fit because of my giant hobbit feet. :( But that's okay! Because I found two SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC bags!! And guess what? They were 50% off of the SALE'S price!!! (Get used to the all caps, I intend to exploit them to the fullest btw.) Lucky you, I had some pictures taken of me with my awe-inspiringly affordable and gorgeous bags. :D (I will also be exploiting emoticons.) :D:D:D

Unfortunately, my maman has yet to learn how my fancy-smancy camera works, so all the pictures she took were super blurry... And when a picture is mega blurry, my solution is: turn it black and white, pump up the definition and darken the shitaki mushrooms out of it. So that's what I did... And then I made the pictures I took B&W as well so they would all match. So I guess we're gonna have a black&white-hipster-artsy photo theme today. Enjoy...?

So this is the first bag that I found. It's SUPER adorable, and a great size and black and white (in real life, so it goes with everything!) and, as my lucky 11/11/11 would have it, the PERFECT size to hold my itty bitty laptop!! So now Mini has a home! :D  (That's my computer's very unoriginal name...)

Now here are a few pictures of me with my new best friend:

Now here is the second bag I got!! It's sort of like a backpack/purse and it's super colorful and makes me very happy. :) I also discovered while we were taking the pictures that it has several super convenient pockets that I hadn't noticed... Another 11/11/11 miracle! <3

And again, some pictures of yours truly being totally out-shined by the unbelievable awesomeness of her new accessory... The first picture actually captured me finding an extra pocket on the side. That is a GENUINE expression of utter bliss mixed with disbelief. ......Hmmm. My expression of bliss and disbelief looks a little chipmunky, doesn't it?

Now here comes the really cool part. Guess how much I payed for that first bag? I'll tell you the original price: $58. And guess how much it was for me!!?? GUESS. Fine. You're really bad at guessing. ......DRUM ROLL PLEASE..... $4.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll give you a minute as you sop up the mess from that spit-take you just did upon reading those numbers.... Go on, take your time. I'll just sit here and stroke my $5 UO purse.
Now the second was not quite as impressive, but it was still pretty great. I think it was $15 down from $58! *siggghhhhhhh* I am utterly content. :)

Annndddd, on top of my purses, I also got some reallllly great Christmas presents for a couple friends. ;) Like I said, I lovvvve Urban Outfitters. And I love shopping! Hmmm I need a steady job so I can do it more often.. (Even though my bags were so beautifully priced, I still went home with a significantly lighter wallet.)

I hope your 11/11/11 day went well too! If it didn't, just let me know. I'll gladly send you a little of my happiness via telepathic communication. Byeeee. :D

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