Friday, December 30, 2011

Six Of My Favorite Fashion Staples

AHAHHH, I fixed my keyboard. :)

So I had a wonderful shopping excursion today!! I found some of the most amazing items of clothing EVER. But I am much too lazy to go take pictures of all of them right now, so I'm going to do a different post for y'all right now, then share my wonderful day of purchasing with you later! Sound good? GREAT!

In this post, I'm going to share some of my latest fashion obsessions!! :D :D :D

#1 SOCKS!!

They're just so great!! Some are warm and fuzzy, some are cool and retro... Socks. Are. Just. Awesome. And they have all kinds of patterns and pictures and designs!! They protect your feet from blistering ickiness and snazz up your ankles like crazy! Just check it out, man:



Stripey AND starry...


Long and rainbow-y...

Simple yet elegant...


I LOVE cozy sweaters. I love how soft they are...And I love the cute patterns... And I love the fuzziness... And I love how comfortable they are!! Ugly Christmas sweaters... passsss... but cute, cozy, lumpy, loose sweaters... Perfect. Observe the cuteness:

I absolutely love the pattern on this one. I really, really, really wish I knew where I could get this exact sweater.

That looks like a cold apartment... It's okay, she has a sweater on. :)

Mmmmm nice and loose and warm.

And they look so good with no pants. 

And I love it when they have big, warm collars! :D


I absolutely adore rings. They just make my fingers feel so cool and stylish! And what I love about rings, is that you can take anything you want, from a teacup to a dinosaur, slap it on a metal hoop, and make a super fantastic ring! They are like the greatest form of jewelry EVER!! Shall we gaze upon some examples? Yes, I think we shall:

There are camera rings...

Owl rings... (no surprise there)

More camera rings...


Teacup rings... <3

Mysterious rings with mustache nails... :)


Scarves are one of the best accessories on the planet. I love them so much. They can complete any outfit!! They can make a plain outfit more creative... They can make a crazy outfit more conservative... They can do anything and fix any outfit! They're like superheroes, man. SUPERHEROES. I have short, stylish ones, as well as long, comfy ones... They're just so very diverse. <3

This one is sooo cute and pretty! <3 

I really like stripes right now. That whole nautical look is pretty cute, but I have to say I don't think I pull it off very well...

I love this picture. Love it SO much. And the scarf is so wispy and bright and beautiful!

SO warm looking. SO loooong and wrap-able! The sweater isn't half bad either. ;)

Mmmm toasty mosty.


My friend Miss Mixie recently turned me on to sparkliness and now I think I'm obsessed. One of my favorite kinds of glittery things are shoes. Glittery sparkle shoes are the bomb-diggity. I will prove it to you:

Aren't the toe base thingies super cool?? They look so great with all the sparkly jewels...

I really like spiky heels too now that I think of it...

Mmmmm pink sparkles... Love 'em!

AHHHH glitter is just so gorgeous.

Hmm they look good on non-heels too! And I like the laces... Not sure why.

AAAHHH I loooovvveee Oxford shoes. And sparkly, shiny, metallic oxford shoes?? SCORE.

Not a huge fan of the boring gold heel, but I adore the glitter on the body of the shoe!


This is one of the most frustrating things in my life. I adore sunglasses SO MUCH, and I love buying tons of pairs in all different colors and styles. But I have prescription glasses! So I either have to wear contacts whenever I wear sunglasses (BLAAHHHH ICK ECH GROSS) ooorrrr I have to walk around totally blind while looking super cool. Honestly, I would be totally cool being blind in exchange for all the AWESOMENESS that comes with a good pair of sunglasses, except that I usually wind up walking into things. And that hurts. But I'm thinking it may still all be worth it. Why don't you decide for yourself: 

(btdubs I am super into heart-shaped sunglasses right now, so there will be a lot of photos of them)

So cute. So cute. So cute. So cute.

Sparkles + heart-shaped sunglasses =  AHHHHHHH!!! <3

I love that tie too...

Ahhh those sunglasses look so good with her lipstick...

Ditto with the rose...

Even wee little kids can rock the heart-shaped glasses apparently.

Awww cute wittle bunny.

Just to throw a little humor in there. :P These are actually the kind of glasses my dad wants. Weird, right??

Cutie pie...

Awesome glasses. Awesome jacket. Awesome shirt. Sheer awesomeness. Right here.

Pink Ray Banz glasses like the ones Darren Criss wears. <3 I love them with her black lipstick too! It looks gorgeous. :)

Okay, so I hope you liked looking at all these super cute pictures of awesome clothing and accessories!! I've got to go now... Hopefully I'll do my awesome shopping experience post tomorrow sometime! Sleep tight everybody! Now Imma go snoooooze.

PS Man, this is like the longest post I've ever published. Woah.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Okqy; ,y keyboqrd is totqlly srezed up qnd none of ,y letters qre co,ing out right11 Itùs only like this on google stuff: PLEQSE ?QKE IT STOP111 Hoz do I fix this§§ Oh Blogger Gods; pleqse sqve ,e:

)Cqlypso m9

Harvard. Sailing. Team. Yes, this is happening.

Beautifully sexist in both directions:

AND FINALLY... (!!!)

Yes. :D Those are my favorite songs ever. But I was totally into the Doorbell before it became all mainstream. PSSSHHHAAAWWW.

Cats and friends and seatbelts. We're going to cover a lot today.

Hello friends! Or acquaintances... (I guess I don't know you all too well.) Oh what the hell, let's just be amigos! We'll see where this crazy friend-SHIP takes us! Gosh, I hope we don't hit an ICEBERG. AHAHAHAhahahahahaaaa I am just sooo funny...

Moving. On.

I am very happy and very sad. Want to know why? First off, I'm very happy because I have a bunch of friends all visiting right now from various places out of town, which makes me all smiley. (Polethene Pam, Miss Mixie, the glorious sister of Miss Mixie) :) I am sad, because one of these aforementioned friends (Miss Mixie) is terribly ill with suspected food poisoning... :( I feel so sad that she's all sick and icky feeling while she's supposed to be enjoying her vacation!! You know in the Peter Pan movie when tinker bell gets poisoned and everybody claps really hard at the same time and thus render her healthy and glowing again (still don't understand the science behind that btdubs)? Well I figure our dear Miss Mixie is quite an awful lot like a sparkly, flying fairy thingy herself, so perhaps if we all clap really hard, she might just get better? So clap, my minions, CLAP YOUR HANDS!! This is totally going to work.

Now that I've shared with you my ingenious plan to restore Miss Mixie to perfect health, I'm going to share some stuff with you! First off, an adorable cat picture. Because I am a very original blogger who posts very original material. I mean, please, name one other blogger who posts cute cat photos! I dare you. Bet you $5 you won't find one. Oh. Oh, really? You found one? Well I guess I owe you $5...... What a surprise.

Anyways, here's the photo:

Heehee. I took this pic of a cut out magazine picture that was hanging on the wall in this really cool barbershop. Miss Mixie's sister got her hair dyed today (AHH!!! :D) and I was chillin' out with her while she got it done. We got it done at the "original rock & roll barbershop" which is this super cool place only a few blocks from my house. It has magazine clippings and stickers and stuff literally plastering the walls and it's super cool. So yeah. That's the explanation behind my discovery of this adorableness.

The next thing I wanted to share with you is the purchase I made earlier this same day. It. Is. Spectacular. I probably haven't mentioned this before, but lately I have sorely needed a fun, casual belt. I probably have mentioned my love of dinosaurs. Yes, now that I think of it, yes I have. Well today... I found the greatest belt in the whole wide world. Or at least a pretty cool one. 
Feast your eyes upon it's glory:

Since you can sort of see it, do you like my shirt? :) My brother gave it to me for Christmas. <3

IT'S A SEAT BELT. COVERED IN DINOSAURS. IN PRIMARY COLORS! <3 I just love it so much! And it's super adjustable and comfy and awesome. While it holds up my pants quite well, it really knocks of my socks if you know what I mean...

Now it's super late, so I best be going. I've got SO MUCH to do and break is fast coming to a close, so it's best that I get my sleep. Don't forget to clap for my poor, sick Mixie! Pozegnanie!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"You're like a girl Rick Moranis...



"You eat like a baby dinosaur."

-No Strings Attached

Well now I feel like I just have to share a picture of Rick Moranis... So here.
You are very, very welcome.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Walruses are just so beautiful.

Isn't this the greatest walrus sketch ever? Purple is definitely his color.

Oh Florence...

Isn't she lovely?

My favorite Florence + The Machine songs (not in any particular order):

1. Cosmic Love
2. Shake It Out
3. Dog Days Are Over
4. Strangeness and Charm
5. Bedroom Hymns

And so many more...

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Yesss.... Christmas music. THIS. IS. HAPPENING.
It may be terribly cheesy, but one of my favorite parts of Christmas is the music. Since I've listened to it every Christmas since before I can remember, it's become a very important part of the season for me. So I just have to make a quick mix about it! Especially since it's Christmas Eve. Again, sorry if you don't celebrate the holiday, but I think you can still enjoy the music! I prefer songs that are happy and santa clausy and capture the feel of the holiday, not the religious aspect of it. For me, the season is really more about celebrating family, friends and SUGAR. But that's just me, to each his own!
Anyways, let's return to the music. I think anybody who listens to Christmas music know the Christmas classics. When you're making a Christmas mix tape, the question really isn't "which songs do I include?" but rather "which artists?" So I'm including my favorite artist for each song straight up, then explaining my decision in the little narration thingy. Okay, are you ready? Let's go!

1. "The Christmas Song" by Frank Sinatra
I think this song is just a Christmas classic. I actually got into a really funny argument about it the other day with a couple people. Two of my friends, who we shall call Chuck and Irene, were convinced that the song went "Jack Frost BITING at your TOES", when in reality it goes "Jack Frost NIPPING at your NOSE". During this argument, I actually exclaimed the phrase, "CHUCK, WHY ON EARTH WOULD HE NIP AT YOUR TOES WHEN YOUR NOSE IS FULLY EXPOSED??" Say it out loud, it's a pretty funny sentence. AAAHhhhh but I'm getting off topic. Let's get back to the song. It's a classic, and therefore recorded many, many, many times by lots and lots of different people, from Justin Bieber all the way to Ella Fitzgerald. But my personal favorite is Frank Sinatra's. I mean, he's Frank Sinatra! A classic, singing a classic. Perfect.

2. "White Christmas" by Elvis Presley
Also, a classic. Argh who am I kidding these are all classics! This one has also been recorded by loads of musicians, but my personal favorite is the version by none other than the king of rock n roll himself... Mr. Elvis Presley. He just puts this whole new spin on the song, but makes it sound so natural and... perfect! This song just makes me fall in love with the king over and over... :) You should check it out if you haven't heard it before. It's really good.

3. "Baby, It's Cold Outside" by James Taylor ft. Natalie Cole
I LOVE this song so so so much. It's my favorite duet. Not Christmas duet. Duet. PERIOD. I just love it. It's so cute and fun to sing and just awesome. I love this version because I just love James Taylor's voice. It's so different and relaxing and gorgeous. And the two are so cute in the song! They talk a little in between verses and it's actually pretty funny. I love how he says the last sentence at the end, "It is a PERFECTLY NICE DRINK." Really. Listen, you'll see. But umm.. I have a confession. As you may know my celebrity crush is Darren Criss and I have to admit I really love his and Chris Colfer's version from Glee. There, I said it. I feel like such a teenager. But it really is good and I like it. So deal. :)

4. "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey
Again, there are quite a few covers of this song but I really think that in this case, the original is the very best. Mariah Carey does such a great job with this song and it always makes me feel so cheery and smiley. I really never pay any attention to the other versions 'cuz I like this one so much more. How about you?

5. "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" by Jackson 5
I have to say, this is one weird song. I mean, I love it, but it's pretty messed up. I guess it's supposed to be about this kid who sees his mom kissing Santa and then decides to go taddle to his daddy, not realizing that it was in fact this very same parental unit who was dressed up as Santa. But this doesn't make any sense! Why would the dad dress up as Santa? Maybe because he knew his nosy little kid would be spying on the stocking-filling process? But then why would he go kiss his wife if he knew the kid was watching?!?! Why would you want to wish such a traumatic experience onto your tiny child? And let's remember, this wasn't only kissing. It was kissing and TICKLING. Ewwww parent PDA. So to sum up: either the parents know the kid's there and want him to spend the next 10 years in intensive therapy, OR the dad just enjoys waking up in the middle of the night to dress up like Santa Claus. Both explanations are pretty creepy. But never the less, this song is best when it's being sung by little Michael Jackson. :) It's perfect because in the recording he's actually at the perfect age for this song, instead of an adult creepily trying to sound like a kid. So yeah. The Jackson 5 version is my favorite. :)

6. "Winter Wonderland" by Bing Crosby
I figured I ought to include a Bing Crosby song, since he kind of is one of the big Christmas music classics. I really like his version of Winter Wonderland, so that's the one I'm including here. Fun Fact: the Eurythmics did a pretty cool cover of this song if you're interested.

7. "Santa Baby" by Eartha Kitt
Okay, I have heard SO MANY versions of this song, but I can't stand any of them. Not even Madonna's. Because Eartha Kitt's is the best. Man, I feel like such a Christmas song nerd. But that's my stand on this song. There's simply no competition. She captures the essence of it all, but she doesn't overdue it. And her voice is just so perfect for it! In fact... I'm gonna go listen to it... "I really do believe in you.. Let's see if you.. believe in meeee..." :D

8. "Tennessee Christmas" by Amy Grant
This is my mom's absolute favorite Christmas song (even though we don't live in Tennessee). And I can definitely see why. It's so sweet and tender and Christmas-y.... And Amy Grant's voice is just a dream. I just love it! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzzy. And I can't resist the phrase "tender Tennessee Christmas". What can I say, I'm a sucker for alliteration.

So there ya go! I realize this is a little late, seeing as it's already Christmas eve, but I hope you enjoy it anyhow. And besides, I don't really think the Christmas music's got to end the day after Christmas! It doesn't, does it? Maybe I'm just nuts. Ohhh well. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you get everything you wished for!! If you didn't, come talk to me. I've got connections up at the North Pole (I used to do Santa's dry cleaning. SO. MANY. COOKIE CRUMBS.)

The Christmas Song (Frank Sinatra)
White Christmas (Elvis Presley)
Baby, It's Cold Outside (James Taylor ft. Natalie Cole)
All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey)
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Jackson 5)
Winter Wonderland (Bing Crosby)
Santa Baby (Eartha Kit)
Tennessee Christmas (Amy Grant)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Something I've sort of forgotten to say...

(Because "Happy Holidays" is for terrorists.)

Jk, that's just a little 30 Rock humor for ya. I love you ALLL, and your many varying beliefs! :) I just happen to have been raised celebrating Christmas.
I hope you all are having a fabulous holiday!!

<3 Calypso

Mix Tape #7: Make you believe in MAGIC.

Hi guys!! Guess what??? I'm bringing. Back. The mixed tapes. Yep. Even though it's not a Wednesday. I've just skipped so many! So I've decided in the spirit of the season, to make up for all my missed mixes in the next few days! Eeeeep I'm excited. Are you excited? I'M EXCITED.
Now, since this is my seventh mixed tape, and by tradition 7 is supposed to be the most magical number, I'm going to center my theme around magicalness! Don't misunderstand me, it's not going to have songs about magic (though that does sound pretty cool). It's going to be a mix with seven songs that make me believe in magic. You know those kind of songs that are just so beautiful, so incredible, that they have this almost magical feeling? Maybe I'm just weird, but sometimes, certain music can just... sweep me off my feet. Or take my breath away. Or break my heart. You know?
So here are seven songs that have that wondrous, eery, extraordinary effect on me. Hope you like them too! :)

1. "Big Jet Plane" by Angus and Julia Stone
This is just such a beautiful song... It's really special to me because I always connect it with the moment I first heard it. As you may or may not know, depending on how often you actually read my blogs, I was recently in this school play and I made a bunch of new friends. During one of the shows, I and a couple other girls were waiting for our next scene, and someone found a guitar. We all sort of drifted into a circle and started singing songs and this one girl, Kimberly, started playing the guitar along to them. Then she started playing and singing this song and it was just such a wonderful, magical moment. One of those moments I don't think I'll ever forget. Then of course I went home and listened to the actual song and fell in love with it. So now it has this magical feel to me. Will it for you as well? Check it out. :)

2. "40 Day Dream" by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes are just a magical band in general. They're the kind of sound that make my day no matter how bad of a mood I'm in. This song in particular just makes me happy. It gives me a big smile like this --> :D And when I'm feeling depressed and cynical, it gives me hope. I think you'll like it.

3. "Hold On, Hold On" by Neko Case
Neko Case is, in my opinion, an awesome singer. Her voice is really beautiful and sounds exactly the same live as it does in her recorded tracks, which is very impressive. This song is really beautiful and it sends shivers down my spine. It's a song that really doesn't make any logical sense lyrics wise, but at the same time it brings home this powerful emotional reaction for me that goes beyond words. Which, I think, is a bit like magic.

4. "Bedroom Hymns" by Florence + The Machine
Florence is such a magical, surreal, other-worldly musician, isn't she? I just feel like she doesn't belong on earth. Doesn't she sound as if she came tumbling down from the sky like a fallen star? She's just too beautiful for us! What did we do to deserve her? This is one of my favorite songs from her album "Ceremonials". I'm not a religious person at all to be honest, but this song, to me, is a religious experience.

5. "Twice" by Little Dragon
This is another song that just transforms my mood every time I hear it, but rather than make me happy and hopeful like "40 Day Dream", it makes me feel more sad and quietly philosophic. It just has this rhythm and this voice that sweeps me away. I also listened to it when I had this really strong crush on a guy this one summer, so it reminds me of him. :) I think of all of these songs, this one might actually have the most magical, splendiferous and, at the same time, painful effect on me. It's really just beautiful.

6. "Cosmic Love" by Florence + The Machine
Sorry! I just HAD to include another Florence song. "Cosmic Love" is just too gorgeous and magical to leave out. I've sort of already talked about dear Florence, so I think I'll cut this narration short. Listen to the song if you haven't already heard it! It's lovely...

7. "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin
Yep. Had to include it. This could be considered a rather unoriginal choice since it is pretty much Led Zeppelin's most popular song, but that doesn't change the fact that it's one of my favorites. It's just such an amazing song by an amazing band. The very definition of magic. :) Especially since there are so many Lord of the Ring references!

So that's my mix tape of magical songs for you. :) I do recommend you go listen to them! I'm afraid I'm rather terrible at describing music, but I do my best. But that makes it all the more necessary that you go listen to the actual songs yourself! GO! GO NOW!
Just in an attempt to force you to listen to them, I'm going to include the links below. Gosh, I'm sneaky. ;)

Big Jet Plane The music video for this song is soooo strange and fantastic. Check it out.
40 Day Dream
Hold On, Hold On
Bedroom Hymns
Twice This music video is also really cool.
Cosmic Love You should watch this video just because Florence is GORGEOUS.
Stairway to Heaven

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hello mah peeps. How are y'all doing? Having a good holiday? I do hope so!

I must say, I am. :) I've achieved a lovely balance between lying around watching TV like a sloth and going out, buying gifts & being active. It's not easy, but I have proven that it is possible to be both unimaginably lazy but completely productive at the same time! YES. VICTORY IS MIIINNNEE.
But the one thing I have not been able to do is write all the blog posts I had been hoping to organize! I need to write my WAAAYYY overdue giveaway host... Catch up on all my mixtapes... Do some holiday goody making posts... GGGaaahhhhhhhh so much to do! It's even worse when it's not actually required or expected but it's something that I really, really want to do. Oh Gods of Procrastination, why do you do this to me???
Well I'll get on all my blog stuff eventually... But for now, I'm not gonna push or rush myself. I need to enjoy my holiday, right? Right?



Monday, December 19, 2011

Ode to the CaMeRa :D

When I was surfing zee interwebz, looking for a suitable camera photo for my blog's background, I found an awful lot of super awesome pictures. Just thought I'd share them with you!


SO COOL. (I want to try this out sometime :D) Technically, you could make a pinhole out of this and then it would be an actual camera!! How great would that be??

Cute pants right? And the camera's not too bad either. ;)

Pretttttyyyy :)

Mustache + camera + universe = AWESOME SAUCE

Actually not really camera related... But still a cool picture.

Lots and lots of cameras! With cute cases too!


Yum. What a delectable main course.

And just in case I didn't have enough pictures of cameras...

So yeaaahhh. Cool pictures right? Very inspiring. It makes me want to go forth and create things! Unfortunately the weather kind of sucks and my mom's making me clean the house for a cursed work party. Bllaaahhhhhh. Maybe I'll just keep posting stuff instead....