Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mix Tape #4: Wanna hear a secret? I kinda love you.

Since my first three mix tapes have been pretty silly and cheery, I've decided to throw in some sappy love songs for the heck of it. Hey, at least I made it 3 weeks before busting out the mushy stuff. Be grateful for that, if nothing else... But seriously, I love love songs. There's a reason that stuff is so popular. All the most incredible songs are about great love or great loss, if you think about it!
Okay, soo... there's this guy. Yeah, we're going to talk about boys now, pull through it! Or skip this paragraph, that works too. Basically, I don't really know him all that well and I don't have any classes with him but he's really cute... I work in the cafeteria and he started getting his lunch there everyday with his brother and I don't know why but he kind of.. this is going to sound weird but, "caught my eye". Yeah. I feel like a creeper. Anyways, every day he has this really cute smile and he looks at me in this way that makes me feel all fuzzy. That's the only way to describe it, I think. Fuzzzzy. And I really don't know him that well but every day we talk a little when he comes through the line. He always gets a chicken sandwich, except for when there are cheeseburgers (that's the only thing I definitely know about him so I decided to include that...) and I like to make fun of him for getting the same thing everyday but I secretly like it because it means I get to see him every day (chicken sandwiches are on my side.) The other day he "officially" introduced himself and his name is going to be Patrick as far as you're concerned. :) Haha anyways, that's why I thought I'd put together a little "crushing" mix tape. Whether you're in the same kind of situation or happily in a relationship/living comfortably with your cats, these songs are still great and I think you're bound to like at least one of them. Check 'em out!

1. "Gray or Blue" by Jaymay
I absolutely adore this song! It has an incredible voice to it and the lyrics are great. The words just feel like they've been ripped from your own feelings and thoughts and it's just a really great song that isn't nearly as popular as it should be! The ending of it is kind of sad and sometimes I listen to it and I don't really feel "better", but I feel understood. Miss Mixie, if you're reading this, I think you should listen to this song. I miss youuu, gorgeous! <3

2. "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift
Of course, no crush mix tape would be complete without a couple Taylor Swift songs. She is the country pop queen of cutesy love/crush songs. Fun fact: She's also my little brother's first celebrity crush!! Adorable, right? Now I decided to limit myself to one only so it was between this and "Teardrops on My Guitar". That was the first song I ever heard by her and also my little bro's favorite! But truthfully, it is far from my fav Taylor Swift song.. Sorry C-Dawg! And all you Taylor Swift haters out there... I hope you slip on a banana peel and twist your ankle! Losers. Sorry, but I fully support Taylor Swift. Yes, some of her songs are rather similar, but she has a good voice, she's very young, she writes ALL her own music, she's beautiful but not in a sad, fake way and I think she has handled her fame and success very well. That's all I'm gonna say on the subject. Conclusion: I'm pro-Taylor Swift.

3. "I'll Kiss You" by Cyndi Lauper
This is a little less sweet and subtle, more "AHHH LEMME KISS YOUUU!!" but it's also great. I love love love Cyndi, how can you not? She is fabulous and this song is great. Basically, she gets a potion from a gypsy that will give her the courage to go up to the guy she likes and kiss him. It's funny and awesome for singing along to and great for dancing too. Listen, it'll cheer you up after pining long and hard for your big crush. :P

4. "Crushcrushcrush" by Paramore
So this is not quite a normal lovey-dovey kind of song, it almost seems like she's using the word "crush" as in "smoosh" or "destroy". But I like Paramore and this is a good song with a very appropriate name. Something different about this is that it's more from the point of view of someone who knows they are being crushed upon.

5. "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You" by Darren Criss (originally by The Black Kids)
A mouthful, I know. If you're one of those obsessive glee fans, you'll know this one already. First off, I watch Glee cause it's a great show and I'M NOT EMBARRASSED AT ALL. But also (mostly) because of DARREN CRISS!!! I lovveeee him... He's my celebrity crush... ;) You know those celeb crushes that make your heart physically hurt? You kind of have to be a teenage girl to get it. Anyways, it's one of those... And this song is just so... SEXY. I said it. (My opinion, obviously.) It's basically about this guy who loves this girl who has a boyfriend. She doesn't realize he loves her and he's saying "I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you, because I don't want you guys to stay together." I know, I didn't see that coming either. <-- (sarcasm, people).

6. "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
Super great song from the 80s! And perfect for this mix tape! I like that it's a guy who's pining too, cause it's usually a girl. Sooo... yeah. Classic song. For me at least. Go listen. :)

7. "The Girl From Ipanema" by Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto
I love this song too. It's very calm and relaxing but also very sad. :( It's about this boy who is in love with a beautiful woman who walks by every day, but he's never spoken to her before and she has no idea he exists. It's truly beautiful and a great way to end this romantic mix tape!

That is our mix tape for today! Sorry if you just can't stand mushy music... Better luck next time. BUT, if you are a hormonal teenager pathetically crushing from afar, or a grown adult falling in love, I hope this mix may have helped you at least a little. Good luck, my little lovebirds! Or not-lovebirds. Whatever. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 cheesy romance :)
    I'll make sure to listen to that song!
