Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to grow your very own sparkly delicious mustache!

So I was fooling around on google images after getting back from a long day at school (On a Saturday!! I was working on tech stuff for the play.) and I decided to look for some fabulous mustache pictures to send to my dear Miss Mixie. Then I got to thinking about her other blog, which is about sparkly stuff among other things, and I had an epiphany. SPARKLY MUSTACHES! My joy was quickly crushed however, when I realized that the internet has practically NO pictures of sparkly mustaches! I was rather disgruntled, as you can probably imagine... So then I thought, "Okay.. That's too bad... Hmmm. What about a sprinkle mustache!!!?" Guess what I discovered? No sprinkle mustaches either... Well, except on some pretty great cookies:

But I was hoping to find some humans with sprinkle mustaches! Not delicious baked goods! After sitting for a while, hating the internet for not supplying me with awesome pictures of sparkly/sprinkly mustaches, I decided to do something about it. That's why I'm going to teach you how to magically grow your own superb 'stache! And I will supply you with pretty pictures. :D Fun, right?

Step 1: Pull out a biiiiggg plate and a very clean paintbrush (Although you can also use a chopstick or a straw... there are many possible substitutes.)Then, select your sprinkles (sparkly sprinkles, like those on the cookies, are perfect!). To keep your sprinkles firmly placed on your lovely face, find some maple syrup or, alternatively, some honey! (If I were you, I'd pick the one you thought was tastier, hint hint.) You might also want to grab some paper towels or kitchen cloth (fancy name for a cooking rag...), to keep from getting a lot of syrup or sprinkles on your table.

Step 2: Pour a small amount of maple syrup (or honey ) into a bowl and use the chopstick/paintbrush to draw a ghostly see-through mustache on your face. Not an artist? It don't matter! Mustaches are simple and you can use a picture of a mustache to help you visualize your fantastic goal. 

For example:

Step 3: Fill the plate mentioned earlier with your selected sprinkles and spread them around the plate. Don't be afraid to pour a lot in there, it'll work better and you can easily put whatever you don't use back! 

Here's a picture of some of the sprinkles I used (I did it twice with two different kinds.)

Step 4: This is the super fun part. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and SMASH your face in the sprinkles. Well.. don't smash it. I don't want you to break your nose. Just rub it in there reallll good. You want all of your syrup mustache to be covered in sparkly goodness!

"Mmmmm... sprinkles..." 

"Wait, I have to do WHAT with them??"

Step 5: When you come up for air, you'll probably have sprinkles all over your face... A dream come true! But alas, if you want your mustache to draw attention, you'll need to shake off all that excess sprinklage. ................I suggest eating said excess sprinklage. ;)

"EXCESS SPRINKLAGE?? MADNESS!!!! Wait... I get to eat it?"

Step 6: Once all those extra sprinkles are gone, you're good to go! Check it out. You just grew a mustache. (Meaning you're now 400% more awesome. And attractive.) Look in the mirror, I wouldn't be surprised if it told ya you were the fairest in the land. 

Sprinkle Mustache: Up close and personal.

"Mustaches are great for pondering the mysteries of the Universe."


"Mustache kissies!!"

"This is the sweet life... I got Zack and Cody BEAT!"

"This mustache makes me feel like a Candyland cowboy."

Step 7: After you've flaunted your magical mustachedness 'round the house, or the town, or wherever, you're going to have to do something very psychologically painful. You're gonna have to take it off. But don't despair!! You can always make another one! And clean-up happens to be super delicious... 


"Nom nom nom nom nom."

"All gone. Well almost."

Wow... I did have a lot of fun with that. Who knew it was so easy (and delicious) to grow a mustache??? But I must tell you... it simply wasn't enough! After cleaning up my edible mustaches, I decided to paint a sparkly mustache on with sparkle paint. (Sadly, the sparkles from the paint, as well as the sprinkles, don't really show on my face on my phone's camera...)

"Look! This sparkly silver mustache makes me look like a princess. <3)

And then... I made a pipe cleaner mustache.... (I went a little crazy.)

"What do you mean this mustache isn't edible??"

So yeah. I hope you try some of these mustache projects! They are super fun and great to do with a buddy! If you do, send me pictures! I'd love to see your mustache mania! 


1 comment:

  1. I don't even--
    Sweet cheese and crackers, Calypso.
    You complete me :)
