Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm not dead....

...just studying. :(

Okay, I've got to go back now. But first I want to share something hilarious with you. I don't know if you remember that song "Sail" by AWOLNATION, but this is a spoof music video for it and it is REALLY funny. And beautifully filmed. It's filmed by meekakitty (youtube name, silly!) and it's great. At first, you might be like, "Wow, this is just some girl standing in the rain being annoyingly stereotypical". But watch till the very end, it's soooo funny!!!

And I would recommend you check out meekakitty's channel, it's full of hilarious music videos. And Nanalew's too. So do it. DO IT.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mix Tape #9: Stick it to them dirty dishes!

I can't believe how long it's been since I've made a mix tape!! Well, here we go... my ninth mix! It's for washing dishes. :) Because really, what's more boring and unpleasant than washing dishes? Not a lot. Which is why the activity sorely needs an accompanying mix of music full of energy and catchy choruses.
Just a heads-up, I find that this one's mainly composed of older songs from the 60-80s, because I guess I  prefer scrubbing dishes to oldie classics. I hope you do too! Enjoy. :D

1. "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor
This is kind of the most inspirational song ever, which makes it great for washing dishes. I find that when I start out, I always feel so hopeless because I know I have a mountain of spaghetti covered ceramic staring at me from the sink. BUT, when I play this song I feel like I can do ANYTHING. I mean, it's all like "DUH. DUH DUH DUH. DUH DUH DUH. DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHH." So it's always a great way to start off a dish washing mix tape!

2. "Modern Love" by David Bowie
I LOVE DAVID BOWIE. I know I've definitely said this before but I just thought I'd repeat it in case anyone had forgotten... Since David Bowie is awesome, he obviously has to be featured in this mix. Come on, think about it. How can you be unhappy when David Bowie is playing anywhere within a 30 ft radius?? Pshhh, I'll tell you: it's impossible. Even if you're elbow deep in a mixture of water and other people's half eaten food! This song is also full of energy and really fun to sing along to. I think it's very important to listen to songs that you enjoy singing when you wash dishes. It always makes things 10 times more fun.

3. "Greased Lightning" by Grease (John Travolta)
Yes. This is happening, I am including a song from Grease. You're welcome Polethene Pam! Is it just me, or is hunky, young John Travolta not absolutely drool-worthy? I just loooove him. And honestly, even today (though I find him less attractive) he's pretty great. He was hilarious in Hairspray... Anyways, this is one of my favorite songs from the movie (yes I'm talking movie here, not the musical) and I just love it! Why this car could be systematic... Hydromatic... Ultramatic... Why it could be greased lightning!

4. "Build Me Up Buttercup" by The Foundations
SUCH a great sing along song. And sooooo much fun to dance around to with your friends!! It's just one of those songs that are incredibly catchy and classic.... It always puts me in a good mood, no matter what state I'm in. Do you have a song like that? You should totally share it with me. ;)

5. "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow
This and "Eye of the Tiger" are the two songs I never ever EVER leave out of my dish washing mix tapes. Ever. I first heard "Copacabana" in my 6th grade music class, and we had to learn the lyrics and analyze the song and I fell in love with it instantly. The moment I got home, I went straight to iTunes and bought it immediately! I love playing it with friends, or even just my little brother. We sing along and dance around and act out the verses... It's great. And though it's a little harder to dance to when you're stuck at the sink, I think it just gives a challenging twist to the dish washing process. If you haven't heard this song before: 1) I AM SHOCKED! and 2) I'm not gonna tell you exactly what happens, because I'd spoil it. But I will say I think it's intriguing how happy and upbeat it is, while the actual story is so utterly depressing in the end...

6. "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
I sort of felt like I should try to include a couple newer songs, so I chose Maroon 5 as one of my contemporary selections. I really love Maroon 5 (Adam Levine.... ahhhhhhhhh) and this is a pretty great song. Even my dad likes it, and he's very critical of my generation's music. I also think it's cool how they use actual footage of Mick Jagger in the music video. And it's hilarious that in this same video... Adam Levine really doesn't have a whole lot of moves at all. Yes, a gorgeous body he does have, but moves like Jagger? Not so much.

7. "Don't Fuck With My Money" by Penguin Prison
And this is my second contemporary song! I guess they're back to back.... Hmmmmm I don't know how I feel about that.. But oh well. I think it sounds good this way. Anywho, this is a song that I discovered a little while back. The singing is very much my style, and the lyrics are super catchy. And the whole song is this protest/response from the middle class to wall street and the 1%. It's from their first album, and I am CRAZY EXCITED about the group. Ooh and the music video is AWESOME. So awesome in fact, that I think I have to include it here:

If you haven't heard this song, I strongly suggest you listen to it. Oh, and if you have an aversion to profanity, even when used in an epic context such as this one, no fear! There's a clean version called "Don't Fuss With My Money".

8. "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" by Wham!
Though the last two songs strayed a little from the style I had previously set up for our dish washing adventure, this last one, I think, returns the mix to it nicely. It's another really great, classic feel-good song that's uber catchy and fun to move around to. And it's a great way to scrape the gunk off of those last few dishes... Hoorahhhh.

Yep. That's my mix tape for today! I hope you liked it and maybe even use it next time you are given the unpleasant task of kitchen cleanup. Oh, and let me just say, dishes are the most fun when you're doing them with friends! So whenever you're at a dinner party or something where the adults have the NERVE to make the children do the dishes (GAAASSSPPP), if you have some buddies there, just play this mix and have fun! It'll go by like a blast.

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Modern Love by David Bowie
Greased Lightning by Grease (John Travolta)
Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
Copacabana by Barry Manilow
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Don't Fuck With My Money by Penguin Prison
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham!

Friday, January 27, 2012

AAAAahhhhhh... The weekend at last. TGIF and all that jazz.

EXCEPT, I have to study for my chem final. Ewwwww.

Now I decided to let myself have tonight off, and so far I have spent it watching scrumptious episodes of Psych and 30 Rock, while playing with watercolors and eating peanuts. :) Yummy. I've also found myself in the mood to surf the interwebz for super cute pictures... And now I'm going to share some with you:

It's a BEAUTIFUL snake!

This picture is so gorgeous, and just really amazing.

This one too... but I it's also terrifying. The way I see it, she's clearly dead and being buried by the sand.

Those are gonna be some seriously sweet dreams...

 Waiting for prince charming (under a bench).

And finally, how to be a hipster photographer:

Thursday, January 26, 2012


School is annoying... It gets in the way of all the other things I want to do! I want to read, I want to write, I want to learn the guitar, I want to paint and sketch and blog and sing and dance around in my underwear... BUT I CAN'T! Because school simply insists on dominating every aspect of my life. >x(

It's very frustrating... Anyways, that's a long way of saying: I have finals coming up. School is being mean. There has been no time for me to blog.... I miss you. :'(

Sunday, January 22, 2012

In which I shamelessly promote myself...

Soooooo..... I have a tumblr. ;)

I kind of forgot this wee little factoid for a while, but I just remembered yesterday and so now I guess I'll post some stuff on it again. It's basically where I post my photography and that's pretty much it. If you want, you can check it out at: http://weelittlecactus.tumblr.com/ !

Yeah. Look at it, follow it and all that jazz. Or not, that's cool with me too.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yes, goats ARE festive!!

OH MY GOODNESS! Today I got the coolest surprise eveeeerrr! It turns out, my friend Miss Mixie sent me a Christmas letter ages and ages ago! I only just found it today in a huge pile of old mail my mom was sorting. It was a very cool surprise...

Here are some photos:

Eez a goat! <3

I erased her name from the card with my mad photo editing skills.. B)

And she also sent me feathers! I'm glad SOMEONE still follows proper feather sending etiquette...

They're pink. :)

And guess who really, really liked them? My endearingly chubby kitty Nightwitch!

So I made the feathers into a cat toy... Maybe they'll help her lose some weight.

...But probably not.

Anywho, to conclude: Thank you so much, Miss Mixie!! I'm sad that I found this letter so late, but I'm also kind of happy because it made me feel like it was still Christmas!  <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!!

Hey guys! Guess what?? I am super over the moon right now! :D And you know why? Because a wonderful fellow blogger awarded me the Liebster Blog Award today! Her name is Etienne, and she has a great blog called "Etienne's Journal". It's really sweet and beautifully written! You should check it out by clicking this spectacular sentence... :) Thank you so very much Etienne, for giving me this award!

Here are the rules to this splendiferous blog award:

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded/nominated you
3. Copy and paste the blog award to your blog 
4. Reveal your top 5 blog picks
5. Drop by your top 5 picks and let them know you chose them by commenting on their blog!

So without further ado, here are my 5 blogs that I will be passing on this award to! They're all very different, but all have at least one thing in common: THEY. ARE. GREAT! I recommend you check them allllll out! Taaddaaaa:

So again, thank you so much Etienne! I really do hope we can become great blogger buddies. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wikipedia Withdrawal

I HATE CHEMISTRY!!!!! GAaaahhh, I just needed to get that out of my system.
Right now (though technically 5 minutes ago), I'm working on this reaaaallllyyy long Chemistry lab design. I've been working on it for hours, and I'm not even done with the background yet! The fact that Wikipedia is blacking out in protest of SOPA is not helpful either... I think it's good that they're protesting, but it's killing my research. Wikipedia's just so helpful!! AHHHH!
And just to make it all the worse, there's this painful moment when you forget they've blacked out, click on the Wikipedia link, and then for one BEAUTIFUL moment, it's there! The page with that one tiny detail that could save you from an extra 15 minutes of scowering the internet! Then of course in the next second it's gone and replaced by this big, evil:


That is what I am struggling with right now. Except.... don't tell anybody, but this is probably good for me. I tend to use Wikipedia a little bit too much in my research, so its almost like this whole blackout thing is forcing me to sober up. I am suffering from WIKIPEDIA WITHDRAWAL. But I know, I'll feel better on the other side. I may even be able to shake my addiction! So I've got to stay strong... Right? Right?? RIGHT.

Hah... I actually made a facebook status on this just now... Anything to avoid actually doing my homework, you know?

Gee whiz, JUST FOR ME???

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Photography starring Polythene Pam!

HI GUYS!! I've just had a terribly dreadful day... Aggh.. But, to get past that, I'm going to share something with you... What, you ask? My MLKJ weekend photography!!! As you may or may not know, I visited Polethene Pam for this extra long weekend, and it was fabulous!! One of the best parts was all the photography I got to do! I feel like I never get to go out and just take photos anymore, so this trip was really, really great for my artistic self. :) I shot a ton of digital, and I even got to work on my photography class project! (Aka I also shot some film.) I think I'll share some of the photos with you later when I develop them!

So without further ado, here are some of my personal favorites from the trip:

At the bookstore...

And the water...

One of my very favorites... This is Polethene Pam!

And this is her shadow! Isn't this one cool looking?? I edited it all special like. :P

And Polethene Pam again! Ain't she puurrrtyyy? :)

Look! It's my papa! Seen through my maman!

Okay, these ones are seriously cool. They're at this old, abandoned military bunker on the coast! Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of shots there because my battery ran out and I forgot a back up... BUT, I did take a roll of film so... 

And this is a gorgeous sunrise I got up uber early for:

That's my maman and my little bro! He's pretty pissed off at me for waking him up so early... He kind of hates having his picture taken... Can you tell? ;)

I hope you had an amazing long weekend as well! 
Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully I will have a snow day tomorrow and then I'll do a lot more bloggin'. :D If the universe will finally see things my way for once, I'll see you then!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jesus the Christmas Hamster

Meet my 50% off Christmas hamster, Jesus! He was in the clearance section of a candy shop, along with a whole lot of other Christmas themed candy and toys that they were trying to move out to make way for all their new Valentine's goodies. Amid all that chocolate-y goodness, it was this little fur ball that called my name. I mean, come on: an extra 2000 calories worth of dated Christmas candy, OR a fuzzy red and white hamster with a super snazzy belt? It's really a no brainer... See what I mean???

Isn't he ADORABLE??? I got him for something like $3 and I've gotta say, it was kind of one of the greatest purchases I've made in a long time. He's all fuzzy and Christmas-y and AHHHH... I love him. He's just such a trail blazer, wearing a Santa hat in January...

DANGER: Robot wearing Kanye glasses...

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but right now I'm visiting Polethene Pam for MLKJ weekend, and it's pretty awesome. She lives in this really cute little city and I love it! And... they have pretty gnarly graffiti. Most of the photos I have taken so far are on my D200, so I can't share them until I get back home, but I took this one on my phone so I can share it with you! Check it out!!

Cool, right???  Robots are bitchin'! Anywho, I hope you all are having a spectacular long weekend. Lots of stuff has been going on and I really, really want to share it all with you so stay tuned! I'll be doing a lot of posts for the remainder of the weekend. Soon you're gonna get to meet my new hamster... ;) Oooh and I also have some mix tapes coming up!! (Yeah, I've pretty much given up the whole mix tape Wednesday thing, and now it's just whenever I have time.)

Washing machine mania!

As I think I've mentioned before, I really like washing machines. Not sure why, there's just something really beautiful about them in my opinion. 

I think these are actually stoves, but they're also very pretty.


Thursday, January 12, 2012


I have some pretty cool things to show you... Do you like chocolate, potatoes, soybeans and cats? Really? SUPER. Cuz that's what I'll be talking about.

First off, CHOCOLATAYYY. Mmmmmm... 
My French teacher is sort of the best. Her class is uber hard, but she makes up for it in two ways. One, we learn a lot of stuff and she's a great teacher so it's worth it. Two.... She brings us Belgian chocolate. That's right, you didn't read that wrong. MY TEACHER BRINGS ME CHOCOLATE! With an uber cute little elephant carved into it! Look how gorgeous it is!!!

Eating it was such an emotionally confusing experience. Obviously the fact that I was eating delicious European chocolate made me really happy, but then the guilt of chewing up and digesting such a gorgeous little elephant made me really sad... So I wasn't really sure how to feel about the whole thing. Oh well, I guess little Herman and I were only fated to know each other for a short time, like Romeo and Juliet. ..........And yes, 1) I did name my chocolate elephant, and 2) I did compare our fleeting relationship to that of Romeo and Juliet. Sue me, Shakespeare.

My next incredibly awesome experience I want to share with you just reinforces the idea that I and my food share special and romantic relationships. 
On Tuesday, we had these cute little mini potatoes that went with our food in the school cafeteria. And when I dished myself up a serving, reflecting on how much I officially love mini potatoes, I found this:

IS THAT NOT THE MOST SPECTACULAR POTATO YOU HAVE EVER SEEN??? I have to say it was the cutest little mutated spud that it's ever been my pleasure to consume. :)

And what could possibly top a heart shaped potato slice? I'll show you...

IT'S A BABY SOY BEAN!!! :D EEEEKKK... Wow, this post is really food crazy. 

And next....

It's a picture of my cat helping us pack up the Christmas decorations! She's keeping the newspaper from running away. Because obviously, newspaper has a tendency to do that... Duh. 
"Good girl, Luna, good girl! Sure, you're not edible, but you'll do."

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bamboo Building Bonanza in Bali

HEY HOME DAWGS!! Gosh, I've missed all of you imaginary readers so much!! Unfortunately, finals madness is quickly creeping up on me and I've been putting all my extra time into updating my new sketch blog, so I've sort of let this one slip a little.. :( But no more! We're going to catch up! (Aka I'm going to chatter mindlessly about my life for the next 5 minutes. YOU DON'T GET TO TALK. Unless you comment... Heh.)

So what's been going on with me? I'm glad you asked! They didn't. Go away.

This weekend, I did something pretty awesome. I went on a giant birthday party scavenger hunt ALLLL across downtown!! It was AWESOME! There were about 20 people at the party, and we split into three groups and ran around all over town! And I knew/was friends with a bunch of the people there so I never felt left out or socially retarded! In fact... I kind of felt like an ordinary teenager. You know, chillin' with friends and goofing off and just having fun. Which is a pretty rare experience for me.

The things we had to find and photograph were really cool too. Here is a short list of examples:
  • A photo of a couple kissing (yessss, we had to walk up to people and ask them to kiss for us...)
  • A naked mannequin (This was totally impossible to find, and I was a hero when I finally found one! Two, actually. They were three stories up smashed against a window and surrounded by boxes, in a storage area above the mall. I saw them as we were walking by. An impressive accomplishment, if I do say so myself.)
  • A really weird newspaper article (Ours was "Bamboo Building Bonanza in Bali". I am not joking. It really was.)
  • A food sample (The catch was, we had to bring it with us, not just take a photo.)
  • A feather boa (Very difficult, but we finally found one in "Claire's". Hurrah for feather boa wearing teenagers!)
And many, many more! Basically, it was super duper fun. After the hunt, we got pizza, walked back to the mall and then played a hide and seek like game in it. And then we went out and just kind of meandered until we got to the square where we started, where we hung out for the rest of the time. 
Oh, and did I mention my team also won the hunt? We were the only ones to find EVERYTHING on the list.  >:D

Hope you had a great weekend too! 

AHH WAIT I FORGOT SOMETHING! I also went out with my family afterwards and bought THE SHINIEST AND MOST METALLIC SHIRT I HAVE EVER SEEN AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL! I got it at an Outlet Mall too so it was a super great deal. I'm pretty sure it's the first thing I've ever owned from Calvin Klein. Wanna see? You know you do...

You can't quite see just how wondrously shiny it is, but trust me on that.

Guess how much it was originally? 80 FREAKING DOLLARS. Maybe that's not a lot to you, but compared to how much I usually pay for my shirts, it's ridiculous. Guess how much I got it for? $24!!! Which is actually still pricey compared to what my usual clothes cost, but since it was such a great deal and the shiniest shirt ever, I had to get it. AHHH I love finding amazing clothing on sale! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

365 Days of Sketching

Right now I'm actually avoiding my homework, so I'm just gonna make this quick. Thought I'd say hi, wazzup, good day to you sir and all that jazz! I realized now that I'm back in school I probably won't be able to post nearly as often which makes me super sad, so I thought I'd just soak in the glory of one last totally unproductive 10 minutes. :)
Oooh, another reason I might be posting less frequently is that... DUH DUH DUH DUH.... I've officially started my new sketch blog! It's basically a blog for my sketch project, where I'm posting a daily drawing for one year!! Exciting, right?? Obviously I'm already behind on this too, but I think I can do it.

Some info on my bloggg:
  • It will have all kinds of sketches, from ink to charcoal to graphite to BLOOD. Kidding about the blood part. ...Or am I?? 
  • The sketches will have all sorts of subject matter, from famous buildings to bits of fuzzy stuff sitting around on my dresser. Basically what I'm trying to say is everyday will be a new, strange and spectacular adventure!! 
  • Whether all I produce is a 3 second scribble of nothingness or a 4 hour long portrait of David Bowie, I will share my daily sketch with you and I do hope you enjoy it. :) 
  • And finally, if I completely forget to do any kind of sketch that day, I figure I'll just share past MASTERPIECES (heh.) with anyone who actually looks at the blog. So yeah! I'm super jazzed and it would mean the world to me if you'd go check it out! Right HERE.

You guys are the bomb-diggity! (Yes, that is my new favorite word.)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My first post of 2012. Soak it in, man, soak it in.

HAPPY 2012!!!!!! Are you all ready? I think this is going to be a splendid year and I can't wait to drown in fiery flames with you all on December 21st! I mean, that is what's gonna happen, right? Actually, that's just the end of the Mayan calendar... They didn't predict that the world would implode or anything, so don't go chaining your family together in the basement JUST yet. Idiots. Hm, italics me is kind of a bitch. Well we'll show her next December when our souls ascend to heaven while she's stuck on Earth as the world collapses! AHAHAHAhahahahahaha!!! ...That's the rapture. Oh right. What's supposed to happen this time? Nothing. So again, I repeat: idiot.

Woah. It just struck me that this will be my first post of 2012. And so far I've spent it arguing with my italic self. Maybe I should be more mature. You know, reflect on how I've grown this past year, what I've accomplished, etc. I'll tell ya what, we'll give it a try.

How I've grown/changed:

  • I'm taller.
  • My hairs gotten longer.
  • I have two more ear piercings. Woooo. That makes three on one side and two on the other.
  • You know these are really supposed to be more emotional and spiritual.
  • Italics me, get out of my bullet points.
  • Okay.
  • Thank you.
  • My eyes have deteriorated even more and I'm pretty sure I'm going blind.
  • I've gotten even better at procrastinating till the last minute and completing the job none the less! Yesssss.

  • I built a pair of Lego shoes.
  • I finally read the first Hunger Games book. Yesterday, actually. Although I probably finished the last 50 pages in 2012, so does it still count? Yes. Yes it does.
  • I can finally apply eyeliner without getting it ALL OVER MY EYELIDS. However a makeup guru, this does not make me. Yoda style.
  • I made new friends! 
  • I participated in my first high school play!! I really hope I do some more this year...
  • I took the PSATs. Scored in the 99th and 98th percentiles! WHAT WHAT! Imma tell you a secret... My mom actually made me take the SATs in 8th grade and I don't want to brag but I honestly did really well. So the PSATs were UBER stressful because I was super worried I'd get a worse score than on my SATs. Buuut I didn't! *fist pump*
  • I started a blog! Really, this is one of my favorite accomplishments and I am so grateful to anyone who actually reads all my rambling discourses. You guys make my days and my nights and I love you all! But especially you. Yeah, you. YOU. ARE. My very favorite. ;P
  • Started a short sci-fi novella thingy that I'm actually really into. That doesn't sound like a big accomplishment, but for me, it is. I love love love writing, but I'm horrible at thinking up stories that I'm still interested in telling, 4 pages in. Maybe I actually have a chance at finishing this one! Who knows...
  • And finally... I maintained a journal and filled it alll up. And then started another. (A sort of "second volume".) This may sound lame, but for me it is also a huge accomplishment. I've started  many a journal, but I've never filled a whole notebook with regular entries before. This is a wonderful first!
My Goals for this glorious new year:

  • Work out regularly on my NEW TREADMILL! There's something just sooo great about running in place. I LOVE it.
  • Start diving in to my community service so I don't end up doing it all my junior and senior years.
  • Build up my college resume... Ick.
  • Start wearing my cowboy boots more often. It's time the cowboy boots thrived again, my friends.
  • Keep my room cleaner. 
  • Force my dad to build me more bookshelves so I can be done with this ridiculous book stacking that's been going on. 
  • Develop better studying and homework doing habits.
  • Get straight As! But that's probably not gonna happen... Chemistry is hard. :'(
  • Complete my "sketch a day" project, which you can check out at... http://365daysofsketching.blogspot.com/ !!

Well there ya go. A semi-traditional New Year's post. 
I hope you all have a wonderful 2012! You guys really are the best and without you, I would have nothing to keep me writing this blog and would probably then go insane. So thanks mom. And Miss Mixie. And Polethene Pam! You guys are the bomb-diggity. C: