Tuesday, August 30, 2011

lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Wanna hear a secret? I have a soft, fuzzy, incredibly dorky spot in my heart for zoos and aquariums. I know, I know, it's pretty uncool to like zoos when you're a teenager who's supposed to be into things like shopping, partying and slowly acquiring brain cancer via mass overuse of the mighty cellphone, but I just can't help it... I love walking around with my camera and/or a hilarious friend, visiting all the animals and fishies and whatnot. But don't get me wrong, I love shopping and brain damage as much as and sometimes more then the next person. I can also partayy like nobody's business (such a lie), but sometimes I need a break from all these adolescent activities. Sometimes I just need to get in touch with my inner 6 year old self, you know?

To me, zoos and aquariums are like really, really good books. They allow you to see and experience things you could never even fully imagine otherwise! They're like windows to a whole other world and they BLOW MY MIND. Plus, they're great places for people watching, which is always a good time. So when my dad decided to take the day off from work (which he hardly ever does) and hang with me and my little bro, I had to drag them to the zoo. I just haaaaad to.

Anyways, to summarize shortly, cause this is getting to be kind of long: it was really fun. I might actually apply to work their next summer as a back up in case I don't get the other job I'm praying for. I'd work with food or something, not animals, but it would still be a sweet gig.

I shall now include some of my photos!
As you can probably tell from the title, we saw all of these:

But we also saw some of these among others not pictured:

My favorite was the tiger!! I've always looooved tigers. I have an old stuffed tiger toy named Hobbes and he is my best inanimate buddy. Sometimes I wish he'd stop eating all my friends, but oh well. What can you do? You can take the tiger out of the jungle, but you can't take the ferocious man-eating tendencies out of the tiger. Just ask Calvin...

Isn't he cute? (He's the tiger, not the pink jeep, stupid.)

Okay, that's all for now. I need a way to end these things. Man, this is still pretty funny feeling. uhhhh CALYPSO OUT. Ew, nevermind. I'll work on it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hi. This is weird.

Hello. I really don't know what you're supposed to write in your first post. It's all very awkward because I know nobody's reading it yet, so it all feels kind of pointless. I guess I'll just write about myself... because I’m unimaginative. So yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll try to talk about mildly interesting topics in the future. This is just gonna be our pilot episode, way less amusing but setting up the plot. Ya know?

My name is not really Lady Calypso, to first state the obvious. I kind of suck at making up clever nicknames and I just decided to use Calypso because it’s pretty (hey somebody’s gotta be superficial) and because it means “she who conceals”, which seemed fitting as a name to protect my anonymity. Then I added a Lady because I was listening to Lady Madonna by the Beatles at the time. And yes, I realize Calypso is also a nymph in the Odyssey, but that didn't really have anything to do with my choice.

I am a teenager attending high school. I’m pretty ready to be done with it and just move on to college but at the same time I think I need to learn to cook more than spaghetti and stir-fry before I face the world on my own... Or do I? I like spaghetti, I could probably make it work. Nahh I’d miss my cats.

What else? Here are just some random facts: I am terrified of dolphins. Like many 6 year old children, I love buying useless plastic crap that I throw out the next week. I like to give names to plants as well as inanimate objects. My celebrity crush is Darren Criss and his triangle eyebrows. I have a younger brother. I live in a city where it rains a lot but nobody who is a self-respecting citizen will carry an umbrella. I love converse and Doc Marten’s. Right at this very moment my favorite band is probably the doors but it varies every 5 minutes, it’s just so hard to decide! I love music of all genres, some more than others, but I’ll give anything a shot. I love love love bright, ridiculously colored lipstick, but other than that I hardly ever wear make-up. I’m very thrifty, I like to shop at used clothing stores and discover splendiferous clothing from lines I’ve never heard of. I love to submerge myself in books but I can’t stand Jane Austen. I like to sing and make art, and I’ll allow myself to say I’m pretty damn good at both (my modesty is astounding, I know). I also love photography and I’ll probably be posting a lot of photos, so hopefully you like it too!
Anywaysssss, that’s my "me" post. I’ll try not to bore you like that again... If anybody actually read this all the way to the end, all I have to say to you is: I love ya mom, and thanks for the support.