Tuesday, November 29, 2011


AHHHH I'm sneaking 5 minutes to write a post. I just can't help it, I miss it too much and it hasn't even been a day! It's just knowing I shouldn't makes me wanna procrastinate on my blog so baaaadd!!
Okay, I just wanted to share an obsession that's been creeping up on me for a while now. If you read the title, you've probably guessed. Dinosaurs. :D

They just make me so happy!

You know I think it may have really started with Frank. You know the Black Keys, right? Well with their album "Brothers", they made some REALLY cool music videos that are stupendously awesome. A couple of them feature the sort of new mascot of the Black Keys. Frank. Frank... is a Funkosauraus Rex. And a puppet. And a playa. And the greatest dinosaur in the world. See for yourself:

Make sure you read the yellow writing.... It will make your day.

And you know what I did that I am actually super proud of??? After I was officially obsessed with Frank, I made it my life's ambition to track down the identical puppet. And. I. Did. I eventually found him on Amazon and it's by this company "Folkmanis". Or at least, I'm like 98% sure it's the exact same one.

Folkmanis dinosaur....

...and Frank! SEE???

Then, a couple of days ago, I found out he's now available on Barnes & Noble's website!!!! Get your own, here! I actually want this little guy SO BAD. Ahhhhhh. He will be my pet dinosaur and HE SHALL EAT ALL MY ENEMIES!!

Okay now I really must go. Sorry if this post is weird or has any typos or anything 'cuz I didn't really get to work on it as long as I usually do... Oh well, dinosaurs don't use proper grammar, neither shall I.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Aloha means both hello and goodbye. So Aloha my friends. Aloha.

HELLLOO my daffodarlings!
I just wanted to tell you a few things. Unfortunately/fortunately, my play is opening on Thursday and I have shows every day until the Sunday of next week AND, on top of that, I also have mountains of homework and projects and tests lined up!! I am suuuupppperrrr excited about the production (A Christmas Carol) but sadly, I have only about an hour and a half a day to do all my school work and I will not have much time to frolic in the glades of my oh so wonderfully comforting blog! I love love love blogging, and so this makes me very sad... Especially since I had so many posts planned that I'd been hoping to do....
So yes, I just wanted to let you know I will be taking a temporary break from blogging. WAIT. Did you just hear that? Oh never mind... It was just the sound of my heart breaking.
I will try to post a couple things in the next few weeks, but just know it will be crazy and sporadic! I also probably won't get around to making up my missed mix tape... much less the one for this week. :( Nahhh, maybe I can slam something together. I'll try.
Now, it has come to my attention that very few people actually care about any of this... which is sort of bumming me out. So I'm going to depart. Goodbye, my friends! I hope to talk to you again, eventually! Wish me luck in my play! Here's hoping I'm not the kid who trips on stage and accidentally tears down the red curtains mid-fall.

Farewell for now! -Calypsoooo

PS Just to keep you excited, I thought I'd let you know that after I am finished with my busy, busy weeks, I will be hosting a free give-away for a VERY cool product!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Post of Unfathomable Triteness

So I saw a blog where someone did a post where they basically did one of these quiz thingies and I kind of liked the idea. It's a nice way to get to know some totally random stuff about a person, so I thought I'd do one! My mother said that this idea was "trite". I didn't know what this actually meant and so she explained that it means "been there, done that". I was still rather skeptical of the validity of this word, so I looked it up and the exact definition is "boring from much use, not fresh or original".

Ouch, maman.

Ho hum, you'll just have to deal with the triteness of this post. At least you got a new word out of it, if nothing else. What did you say? You already knew that word? Well... that was rather sassy of you.

General Info:

1. Full name - Lady Calypso as far as you're concerned...
2. Nickname - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3. Zodiac sign - Gemini. 'Cause I was born in June. <3
(Skipping 4-7)
8. Tall or short - Pretty tall. I'm about 5'9
9. Sweats or jeans - Jeans when I'm out, sweats when I'm chillin' by myself. ;)
10. Orange or apple - APPLE! Yuummmm But oranges are cool too. I don't mean to discriminate against either of them or their fruity goodness.
11. Do you have a crush on someone - Huh. Wellll, I have a celebrity crush. But I don't have a die hard crush on anyone at the moment. I've decided my romantic life can wait till college.
12. Eat or drink - WHAT DOES THIS QUESTION EVEN MEAN?? Of course, I both eat AND drink! I can't choose one! I'd die!
13. Piercings - 3 piercings on my left ear, 2 on my right. I'm not really interested in piercings anywhere else though...
14. Pepsi or coke - Psssh Coke. They've got polar bears, robots and Santa Claus! But Pepsi does have Michael Jackson...

Of course, during the filming of this commercial, they did set his hair on fire and begin his life-time addiction to pain killers... I think I'll stick with Coke.

Have you ever... (Part I)

16. Been in an airplane? Indeed I have, good sir.
17. Been in a relationship? Sure, I have plenty of friends with whom I have good relations. That is what you were talking about, RIGHT?
18. Been in a car accident? What kind of a question is that?? No... I'll let you know if that changes.... Creep.
19. Been in a fist fight? Say NO to physical violence!!! Words hurt just as bad and they don't have nearly as negative an effect on your health.


20. First piercing - Well I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was... 13? But I got it done at Claire's because I was stupid and I ended up having to let them close. I got them re-pierced at a proper piercing parlor about a year later. The moral of this story is: don't get your ears pierced at Claire's! It's a very bad idea. And don't be a wuss, have it done with a proper needle, not one of those weird stapler gun thingies.
21. First best friend - Huh. I think my first best friend was probably my dear friend Eloise/Polethene Pam. We've known each other since we were, I don't know, two? That sounds right.
22. First award - Uhhhh... Some lame soccer trophy that everyone on my team got at the end of the season probably.
23. First crush - Hehehe.... My first crush was on this skinny little nerd in my first grade class. He was actually, upon reflection, super dorky but I was crazy about him anyways. :)
24. First word - I don't remember. DO YOU?


25. Last person you talked to in person - My lovely maman.
26. Last person you texted - My friend, Jenny.
27. Last person you watched a movie with - My brother. Phineas and Ferb movie. <3 (A life-changing experience, by the way.)
28. Last food you ate - Chicken pot pie last night. Thanks maman!
29. Last movie you watched in theaters - "In Time", that new movie with Justin Timberlake and 13 from "House". It was actually pretty good. I think the acting could've been better but the story was really cool.
30. Last song you listened to - "Broken Horse" by Freelance Whales
31. Last thing you bought - Oooh a super secret Christmas present for my little bro. And some other stuff from Hot Topic. I think I'll actually make a post about that shopping spree....
32. Last person you hugged - My maman. Because I love her very much. <3


33. Food- I like my grandmama's super delicious, other worldly fudge. It. Is. Incredible. And I've actually never found a single soul who can make it as delicious as she can. I also like macaroni. and asparagus wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm..
34. Drink- Mango juice from Trader Joe's. Yummmy. And H20. Because I need that to survive....
35. Flower- I'm not actually a huge fan of flowers. They're nice and all but I don't know if I have a favorite.. Wait.. DAFFODILS. Because those are the ones that Spot picks with those delightful crunching noises!! That was one of my fav things ever when I was little.... Ahhh the memories...

36. Animal - I like tigers! And narwhals, because they are the unicorns of the sea. And platypus. Did you know there is no agreed upon plural for platypus? Some say "platypuses". Some just say "platypus". A few are still trying to float "platypi". Poor Perry....
37. Color- Rainbow (just like Tracy Jordan). I wear mostly black though and it drives some of my friends crazy.
38. Place- Hmmm.... I love California and NOT because of Katy Perry... I have to say San Francisco is one of my favorite places but there are others.
39. Movie- I love "When Harry Met Sally". I also LOVE "Inception" and "The Social Network" and "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home". Oooh and "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan". I cried so hard when Spock died. I think I actually threw something at the TV. But my favorite movie, of all time, has to be "Mulan". Go ahead and judge me, I don't care. I LOVE Disney movies.
40. Subject - Hmmmm. Probably Art or English. Oooh or Biology.

Have you ever... (Part II)

41. Fallen in love with someone? Nope. I'm looking forward to it. I need something to inspire mah music!
42. Celebrated Halloween? Again, what kind of a question is this? WHO HASN'T? Sad and deprived little orphan children, that's who.
43. Gone over the minutes/texts on your phone? Nope. I actually tend to ignore my phone.... It really pisses certain people off... Sorry Jenny.
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? So. Many. Times.
45. Eaten a whole pizza? .........................................................................................................yes.
46. Done something you regret? Yes. I saw "The Green Hornet". That's 119 minutes of my life I will never get back.
47. Broken a promise? Sadly... yes. To myself and others. :( But I strive to be a trustworthy person, so not too often.
49. Pretended to be happy? Many, many times. I'm an adolescent mes amies!

The Future... DUH DUH DUH:

50. Want kids? Hm. Maaaaayybbee. If I find the right person.
51. Want to get married? Hm. Maaaayybbee. If I find the right person.
52. Career? I don't know, there is actually a lot of stuff I'd like to do. I think it would be cool to be a surgeon. Or really anything in the medical industry. Or a writer. I'd like that too.But my dream... don't laugh... is to be an actress and a musician. Yeah, talk to me when you're done snickering.

Romance ;)

53. Lips or eyes - EYES. They are the "windows to the soul", aren't they? What are lips? The door to your esophagus?
54. Shorter or taller - I'm good where I am.
55. Romantic or spontaneous- Romantically spontaneous. :)
56. Hook up or relationship- Relationship.
57. Looks or personality- A delightful mixture of both, ideally! But if I had to choose between a super attractive guy and a smart, funny guy, I'd choose the smart, funny one every time.

Have you ever.... (Part III)

58. Lost your glasses/contacts? Nope. I have thrown my glasses off my head by accident several times while dancing singing "I whip my hair back and forth."
59. Ever snuck out? Like from my house? PEOPLE DO THAT!!?? GASP.
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? I've held a pocket knife in a dark street a couple times. You can't be too careful...
61. Broke someones heart? Not knowingly!
62. Been in love? I feel like you've already asked this question.... The answer is still the same.
63. Been arrested? NO..... Why would you ask a question like that.... There on to us, Calypso! Zip it, italics me.

Do you believe in...

64. Yourself? Umm I don't know. I have cripplingly low self-esteem.
65. Miracles? Meh. I'll believe 'em when I see 'em.
66. Love at first sight? I'd like to, but no. "Romeo and Juliet" was just ridiculous.
67. Santa? PSHH DUH! What else explains the flying reindeer on my roof??
68. Forever & Always? I don't... understand.... whhaaaaat?
69. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes. Unfortunately they are famous and I do not actually know them....
70. Do you know who your real friends are? I do hope so! The ones that have blogs are the aforementioned Eloise/Polethene Pam and my dear Miss Mixie.

Okay, well that's all. Now you know a little more about the scrambled eggs I call my brains. I hope it wasn't too trite for you!

Friday, November 25, 2011

In which you get to meet my brother! Isn't he great??

So... don't judge me but... my Phineas and Ferb movie just ended annnndddd I'm watching it again. :D Hey I missed the beginning, okay!! Hahaha, I love Stacy: "I am a woman of SCIENCE! Or at least that's what my horoscope says..."

Moving on, I thought I'd share some photos I took today! I went on a walk with my little bro and we saw some pretty cool sculptures and statues and stuff in this weird park. Check it out!

So to start off, meet my brother! He is adorable and awesome. <3

 And here are some hipster black and white shots of him. Isn't he cute?? The people in the background are my mom and my grandpa.

And these are all some of the cool statue-sculpture thingies that I saw:

 BEHOLD!! We gave this armless statue new appendages. You like?

Ohhh silly. Those were really just the arms of Monsieur C-Dawg. I can't believe you fell for that...

I think I've died and gone to heaven...


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving and Postcards and Guilt... Ohhh the guilt!

HELLOOOOO, my little Gobbler Groupies! Sorry, I just like alliteration. :) And that's my best attempt at a Thanksgiving themed bit of alliteration soooo yeah! It is what it is. And, following that note, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Wooooohooo.... What are you thankful for? I'm thankful that I'm not and Indian who got my land taken away in exchange for diseased and small-pox-infected blankets. Your turn!
Now I don't know about you, but right now, as much as I'd love to immerse myself in the culinary joys of Thanksgiving, I can't help but obsess over the fact that I... didn'tpostamixtape. I'm so ashamed... And guilty! Don't look at me.. Hey. HEY. I SAID DON'T LOOK AT ME! I feel dirty. :(
Oh well. I'll post one tomorrow. I just don't have the time to think about it today. Well the truth is all I really want to do today is stuff my face and work on my lego shoes. So that's what I'm gonna do!
But first, I have GOT to share something with you.

The other day I was walkin' around on one of my favorite streets, and I went into this super cute and awesome boutique-ish store thingy. And I found the GREATEST post cards EVER. They're by a lady named "Stella Marrs" (idk if that's her real name, but either way it's very cool) and they're really cute and hilarious. A lot of them feature adorably fuzzy cats. You can check them out at www.StellaMarrs.com! And now here are the ones that I bought at the store:

AMAZING, right??? And here are some others that were on the website that I thought were just totally fantastic:

Aren't they just great?? It makes me want to start making postcards!! Hmmmmm... That sounds like a fun project! WINK. WINK. (In case you couldn't tell, that was foreshadowing.)

Now go off and be merry! After all, Thanksgiving is the super delicious pre-Christmas family get together where you get to munch on turkey and cranberry sauce and pie and mashed potatoes and green beans and OHHHH my god, I'm hungry. I really need to start eating. And so do you! Now I'll see you all after I've gained five pounds. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Calypso's guide to curing the sneezles.

The following is my guide to feeling better when you're sick in that really urksome way where you feel like crap but there's nothing seriously wrong with you (or, as I call it, when you're sick with the sneezles :P):
  1. If you're up to it, take a bath. Or a shower. People tend to ignore their personal hygiene when they're sick. I totally get this and sometimes I do it too cause I just hate the idea of dragging myself out of bed... But if you can, I would seriously recommend cleaning yourself. It makes you feel sooo much better! Being sick sucks by itself, but being sick AND stanky?? Horrible!
  2. Put on your favorite, most comfortable PJs! Now that you're all squeaky clean, it's time to get this party started! Fuzzy socks are good too btw. :) Sorry, I'm just a big believer in the power of socks. With a good pair of socks, I feel that you can accomplish anything. I mean.. think about it. Abraham Lincoln was wearing socks when he abolished slavery. And Einstein? He wore socks almost every day of his life, and probably when he came up with the theory of relativity! Rosa Parks? You know she was totally wearing socks on that bus. Michael Jackson? Wore socks every time he danced. ALL GREAT MEN AND WOMEN WEAR SOCKS. They all breathe too. Shut UP, italic me...
  3. Now since you're sick, you really don't want to infect all your friends and family, and you're probably not up for entertaining people anyways, but that doesn't mean you have to spend the whole day all by yourself!!! That's what we have cats for! And stuffed animals! And don't be such a drama queen, this isn't the Velveteen Rabbit. You don't have to burn all the toys you touched while you were sick... I mean seriously, what the hell was that doctor thinking? Hasn't he ever heard of a washing machine?? Ummm Calypso, they didn't have washing machines. And the kid was sick with scarlet fever, not the "sneezles". It's kind of different. Ahhhh go away, italic me. Anyways, after you've gathered all your plushy bff's or whatever your equivalent is, it's time to...
  4. ...pick a location to totally take over!! You either want a room with a TV and a super comfy couch/bed, or your own bedroom, with access to a laptop or television as well. TV is, for me at least, the greatest thing ever when you're sick. I wouldn't survive my sneezles without it. If you want to check out some of my fav TV shows, check out this post. When I'm sick, I like to watch: the early seasons of "The Office" and "Grey's Anatomy", "House", "30 Rock", "Psych" and "Frasier". I also like to veg out to movies! Likeee... "When Harry Met Sally" or "You've Got Mail" or "Sleepless in Seattle"! I don't know why, Meg Ryan just makes me feel better. :) Fun Fact: she's my dad's celebrity crush! How adorable and hilarious is that? Also, if all you have is a laptop, might I recommend Netflix Instant Streaming? Totally great and so worth the monthly payment. And very handy when you're sick! http://www.cucirca.com/ is good too if you don't have NIS but still want to watch some good TV shows.
  5. While TV and movies and stuffed animals and socks are all very awesome, there's nothing like the loving care of a family to get you feeling good as new! Make sure they all know that you're horribly, and on the verge of TERMINALLY, ill. ;) That way, you know they'll take gooood care of you and bring you all the weirdly specific snacks and beverages that you demand! I have a really weird and sporadic appetite when I'm sick. I'll be hunger-strikin' it out like Gandhi for the first few days, then all of a sudden I'll start craving the weirdest foods and drinks. Luckily, I have an awesome Maman who supplies me with all my weird dietary desires and a lovely Papa who makes me all the tea I could ever need! Oh, and a beautiful brother who brings all of this stuff right to my room! ....for the low, low price of $2.99 and the promise that I won't disturb him while he watches his precious Doctor Who... :P
  6. After you've done all of this, don't forget to get your vitally important beauty sleep! Really, sleep is sooo important if you want to make a full recovery. Just sleep whenever you can, whether that be 1 in the morning, or 1 in the afternoon. If you're like me though, sleeping will be very hard when you're sick... so the second best thing is rest! And TEAAA!!! With honey, for your throat. MMMmmmmmmm :) No coffee kids! Coffee is BAAAD for your sneezles. Bad! Don't you go sneaking it behind my back now... It's for your own good.
Nobody reading this is probably actually sick but it is that time of year so you might be very soon... You never knoww... So yeahhh.. If you do get the sneezles, that's my advice. :) Hope it helps! 

My poor Thanksgiving week is falling to shambles!

I have to say, this whole sick thing is getting kind of annoying. It makes it very hard to do all the things I had planned for Thanksgiving break! Urgh. I promise my posts will start getting more interesting as soon as I get better, but until then you'll just have to put up with whatever I come up with. Sorrrrry! The good news is that though the posts might not be as interesting, there will probably be a lot of them today because I'm finally done with rehearsals for the week and confined to my room to keep from getting my poor relatives sick. Soooo... yay? I dunno, just trying to find a silver lining.
Now, I will give you a hint about the project that I've started working on. It's very exciting in my opinion. :D Are you ready? Okay: lego shoes. Yeah, I know that hint sort of gave away the whole thing but I suck at giving hints, okay?? Deal with it. :P Anyways, it looks like I'm not going to get to finish or share it with ya until Friday, so hang tight--OH NO! I have to make a mix tape! I totally forgot! Blerg. Better start thinkin' about that I suppose... Well, bye for now. Wear scarves! And coats! And drink tea! And stay healthy! I'm telling ya, having the sneezles at Thanksgiving sucks.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Yup. I'm sick. :(
At the worst time possible, since I have to do all these rehearsals for the play I'm in... Yesterday, I was at SCHOOL on a SUNDAY for 10 HOURS. And all I wanted to do was lie in bed and watch episodes of Psych and Spongebob and Grey's Anatomy and Star Trek and gahhhh...  I have to go in again today at 12 pm for 3 hours. And again tomorrow for another 3 hours...

Stupid immune system! MAN UP. You're such a wuss! If you don't start doing your job I'm gonna have to fire you and find a new immune system. And you know how tough it is finding a new job in today's economy..... So I better see some marked improvement. x(

Apparently when I talk to myself I speak in italics... But really, my white cells are such sissies! Woah SEXIST REMARK THERE, BUDDY. Buzz off, italic me.
You see how weird I get when I'm sick? My brain gets all fuzzy.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am a tumblr photo stealing thief :P

I just thought I'd share some photos off of various random tumblrs that I thought were really awesome, or inspiring, or creative or just hilarious... Hope you like them too. :)

AHHHH, KITTAY!!! Kitties are just so cute, especially when they're giving you a legitimate excuse to not do your chores. I wish my cat would fall asleep on my broom... or better yet, my vacuum cleaner.

Kind of one of the coolest things ever. I wish there was a Star Trek one though... Ahhh, I need this sweatshirt. It would make me feel 600% cooler.

I love House. <3 He. Is. Hilarious. 

I actually really wish I could buy this and take it to an airport, just so I could see how security would react. What do you think they would do? O.o

Look how itty bitty this bunny is!!! It's so cute, I could eat it! .......That didn't really come out right.

I wonder who Monsieur Panda Bear is waiting for.... This photo reminds me of the music video for "Paradise" by Coldplay, where they're all running around in elephant suits. Omigosh, I don't know why, but that video actually makes me SOOO sad! And then a little happy at the end, but mostly sad.

Just.......... awesome. 

I want to hug the person who took the time to do this.

Okay, now I'm going to go check out some thrift stores. I need to find some good shoes for my lego project! I've decided, since I have Thanksgiving week off, I'm gonna cram it full to the brim with super awesome art projects. And hours of shopping, of course. :D 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Greatest Moustaches in History!!

Why didn't this song exist when I was making  my mustache mix tape!!?? Soooo gooood.

By "BreakOriginals" <3 

Where can I get that t-shirt??? Oh and one more thing... Let's not forget that Spock also sported a moustache in "Mirror, mirror" so that makes mustaches not only aesthetically awesome, but LOGICAL as well! Feast your eyes upon his glorious visage:

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I just couldn't resist...

Gahhhhhhhh. Must. Have. Deh Shoes. ....WAIT. I could totally make these! No problem! You know what... That's my new goal in life. I am going to make a pair of lego shoes. And then I'll make a post about it!!! BAMMM. That makes it official. :D

Message from 3/20/12: CHECK IT OUT! I actually did end up making my own lego shoes!!!!

Here's a little sneak peak:

See the rest of the pictures HERE.

Pyromania makes for a great photo :)

So the other day I was really bored and I decided to do a little photo shoot with a box of matches! Because every now and then, it's good to get in touch with your inner pyromaniac. Just make sure to channel all that crazy into artistic creativity not... arsen. Heh.
Anywho, I thought I'd share some photos with ya. Enjoy!

Plain Ol' Box O' Matches

Odd One Out

Duddddeee... It's like... on FIRE.... Radical, mann.

Matches a la Black and White


The Living and the Dead

Star of Matches :)

Sooooo YEEEESS. This is a really great activity for rainy days or boring times. Just pick a subject (like a fruit, a telephone, a stuffed animal, etc...) and take a million photos of it until you can't take any more for fear of your eyeballs dissolving. It's really fun if you're into photography, and a great way to explore different photo framing techniques and angles.... It's an awesome exercise and it teaches you a lot of stuff! So try it! Send me some photos! Nashledanou!