Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Post of Unfathomable Triteness

So I saw a blog where someone did a post where they basically did one of these quiz thingies and I kind of liked the idea. It's a nice way to get to know some totally random stuff about a person, so I thought I'd do one! My mother said that this idea was "trite". I didn't know what this actually meant and so she explained that it means "been there, done that". I was still rather skeptical of the validity of this word, so I looked it up and the exact definition is "boring from much use, not fresh or original".

Ouch, maman.

Ho hum, you'll just have to deal with the triteness of this post. At least you got a new word out of it, if nothing else. What did you say? You already knew that word? Well... that was rather sassy of you.

General Info:

1. Full name - Lady Calypso as far as you're concerned...
2. Nickname - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3. Zodiac sign - Gemini. 'Cause I was born in June. <3
(Skipping 4-7)
8. Tall or short - Pretty tall. I'm about 5'9
9. Sweats or jeans - Jeans when I'm out, sweats when I'm chillin' by myself. ;)
10. Orange or apple - APPLE! Yuummmm But oranges are cool too. I don't mean to discriminate against either of them or their fruity goodness.
11. Do you have a crush on someone - Huh. Wellll, I have a celebrity crush. But I don't have a die hard crush on anyone at the moment. I've decided my romantic life can wait till college.
12. Eat or drink - WHAT DOES THIS QUESTION EVEN MEAN?? Of course, I both eat AND drink! I can't choose one! I'd die!
13. Piercings - 3 piercings on my left ear, 2 on my right. I'm not really interested in piercings anywhere else though...
14. Pepsi or coke - Psssh Coke. They've got polar bears, robots and Santa Claus! But Pepsi does have Michael Jackson...

Of course, during the filming of this commercial, they did set his hair on fire and begin his life-time addiction to pain killers... I think I'll stick with Coke.

Have you ever... (Part I)

16. Been in an airplane? Indeed I have, good sir.
17. Been in a relationship? Sure, I have plenty of friends with whom I have good relations. That is what you were talking about, RIGHT?
18. Been in a car accident? What kind of a question is that?? No... I'll let you know if that changes.... Creep.
19. Been in a fist fight? Say NO to physical violence!!! Words hurt just as bad and they don't have nearly as negative an effect on your health.


20. First piercing - Well I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was... 13? But I got it done at Claire's because I was stupid and I ended up having to let them close. I got them re-pierced at a proper piercing parlor about a year later. The moral of this story is: don't get your ears pierced at Claire's! It's a very bad idea. And don't be a wuss, have it done with a proper needle, not one of those weird stapler gun thingies.
21. First best friend - Huh. I think my first best friend was probably my dear friend Eloise/Polethene Pam. We've known each other since we were, I don't know, two? That sounds right.
22. First award - Uhhhh... Some lame soccer trophy that everyone on my team got at the end of the season probably.
23. First crush - Hehehe.... My first crush was on this skinny little nerd in my first grade class. He was actually, upon reflection, super dorky but I was crazy about him anyways. :)
24. First word - I don't remember. DO YOU?


25. Last person you talked to in person - My lovely maman.
26. Last person you texted - My friend, Jenny.
27. Last person you watched a movie with - My brother. Phineas and Ferb movie. <3 (A life-changing experience, by the way.)
28. Last food you ate - Chicken pot pie last night. Thanks maman!
29. Last movie you watched in theaters - "In Time", that new movie with Justin Timberlake and 13 from "House". It was actually pretty good. I think the acting could've been better but the story was really cool.
30. Last song you listened to - "Broken Horse" by Freelance Whales
31. Last thing you bought - Oooh a super secret Christmas present for my little bro. And some other stuff from Hot Topic. I think I'll actually make a post about that shopping spree....
32. Last person you hugged - My maman. Because I love her very much. <3


33. Food- I like my grandmama's super delicious, other worldly fudge. It. Is. Incredible. And I've actually never found a single soul who can make it as delicious as she can. I also like macaroni. and asparagus wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm..
34. Drink- Mango juice from Trader Joe's. Yummmy. And H20. Because I need that to survive....
35. Flower- I'm not actually a huge fan of flowers. They're nice and all but I don't know if I have a favorite.. Wait.. DAFFODILS. Because those are the ones that Spot picks with those delightful crunching noises!! That was one of my fav things ever when I was little.... Ahhh the memories...

36. Animal - I like tigers! And narwhals, because they are the unicorns of the sea. And platypus. Did you know there is no agreed upon plural for platypus? Some say "platypuses". Some just say "platypus". A few are still trying to float "platypi". Poor Perry....
37. Color- Rainbow (just like Tracy Jordan). I wear mostly black though and it drives some of my friends crazy.
38. Place- Hmmm.... I love California and NOT because of Katy Perry... I have to say San Francisco is one of my favorite places but there are others.
39. Movie- I love "When Harry Met Sally". I also LOVE "Inception" and "The Social Network" and "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home". Oooh and "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan". I cried so hard when Spock died. I think I actually threw something at the TV. But my favorite movie, of all time, has to be "Mulan". Go ahead and judge me, I don't care. I LOVE Disney movies.
40. Subject - Hmmmm. Probably Art or English. Oooh or Biology.

Have you ever... (Part II)

41. Fallen in love with someone? Nope. I'm looking forward to it. I need something to inspire mah music!
42. Celebrated Halloween? Again, what kind of a question is this? WHO HASN'T? Sad and deprived little orphan children, that's who.
43. Gone over the minutes/texts on your phone? Nope. I actually tend to ignore my phone.... It really pisses certain people off... Sorry Jenny.
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? So. Many. Times.
45. Eaten a whole pizza? .........................................................................................................yes.
46. Done something you regret? Yes. I saw "The Green Hornet". That's 119 minutes of my life I will never get back.
47. Broken a promise? Sadly... yes. To myself and others. :( But I strive to be a trustworthy person, so not too often.
49. Pretended to be happy? Many, many times. I'm an adolescent mes amies!

The Future... DUH DUH DUH:

50. Want kids? Hm. Maaaaayybbee. If I find the right person.
51. Want to get married? Hm. Maaaayybbee. If I find the right person.
52. Career? I don't know, there is actually a lot of stuff I'd like to do. I think it would be cool to be a surgeon. Or really anything in the medical industry. Or a writer. I'd like that too.But my dream... don't laugh... is to be an actress and a musician. Yeah, talk to me when you're done snickering.

Romance ;)

53. Lips or eyes - EYES. They are the "windows to the soul", aren't they? What are lips? The door to your esophagus?
54. Shorter or taller - I'm good where I am.
55. Romantic or spontaneous- Romantically spontaneous. :)
56. Hook up or relationship- Relationship.
57. Looks or personality- A delightful mixture of both, ideally! But if I had to choose between a super attractive guy and a smart, funny guy, I'd choose the smart, funny one every time.

Have you ever.... (Part III)

58. Lost your glasses/contacts? Nope. I have thrown my glasses off my head by accident several times while dancing singing "I whip my hair back and forth."
59. Ever snuck out? Like from my house? PEOPLE DO THAT!!?? GASP.
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? I've held a pocket knife in a dark street a couple times. You can't be too careful...
61. Broke someones heart? Not knowingly!
62. Been in love? I feel like you've already asked this question.... The answer is still the same.
63. Been arrested? NO..... Why would you ask a question like that.... There on to us, Calypso! Zip it, italics me.

Do you believe in...

64. Yourself? Umm I don't know. I have cripplingly low self-esteem.
65. Miracles? Meh. I'll believe 'em when I see 'em.
66. Love at first sight? I'd like to, but no. "Romeo and Juliet" was just ridiculous.
67. Santa? PSHH DUH! What else explains the flying reindeer on my roof??
68. Forever & Always? I don't... understand.... whhaaaaat?
69. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes. Unfortunately they are famous and I do not actually know them....
70. Do you know who your real friends are? I do hope so! The ones that have blogs are the aforementioned Eloise/Polethene Pam and my dear Miss Mixie.

Okay, well that's all. Now you know a little more about the scrambled eggs I call my brains. I hope it wasn't too trite for you!

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