Thursday, February 23, 2012

My lunch is like a baby kitten.

Hey there! How's your day going? Good? That's cool bra.

Isn't that funny how guys are calling their homeboys "bras"? If you don't live in the US, let me explain... So guys usually call their friends "bros". You know, short for brothers. But lately the trend is to pronounce it "bra" instead of "bro" which makes me giggle because it sounds like they're calling their buddies wee little bits of lingerie. :)

Anywho, I originally intended to tell you about this awful predicament that I am currently in.
I'm sitting in my dad's work building, in my "office" (basically an empty room with a great view that I get to chill out in when I do my homework and things). When I came up I was super hungry and my dad showed me these left over lunches from a meeting they had earlier in the day. They're these SUPER cute packed meals from the cafe downstairs, and I just looovvee mine! So much so that I kind of don't want to eat it....
It's this cute little box with a mini bag of chips, a cup of fruit, a sandwich, napkins and two cookies! One is chocolate chip, and the other is a sugar cookie in the shape of an ELEPHANT. (Because the cafe is called "Elephants Delicatessen"! Isn't that awesome???)

I know what you're thinking... "It's a packed lunch, not a baby kitten." BUT IT'S JUST SO DARN ADORABLE. I can't bear the thought of pulling everything out and mercilessly devouring it! Because it IS as cute as a baby kitten. So it would be like cutting open said baby kitten and dismembering it to gorge upon its innards. I don't know about you, but that's not how I show baby kittens my affection.

"Oooh baby kitten, you are just so cute I could eat your spleen!" Not something you hear every day.

Hmmm. This post is incredibly random and rather pointless. So I shall go now. To mull over what I should do with my packed lunch.

To eat or not to eat the metaphoric infant feline. That is the question.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


This is the usual weather in my city. I have to say, I think it really is at its best when it's blanketed in a thick coating of rain.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So my brother goes to this mega artsy school...

...and they're having a dance this friday! 

Because they're so cool and artsy and all that stuff (want proof? Click here!) instead of buying a ticket or paying an admission fee, you have to buy a new pair of socks, and donate them to this special charity thing at the door! For kids who don't have socks, I guess. :( But despite the horrid thought of a child who can't afford a delicious pair of socks... isn't that cute?? I just love the idea, it's wonderful! You get to shop for socks, donate them to a kid in need, and then to top if off you spend the rest of the night gettin' your freak on! WOOOO. Dance partay and all that jazz. 
Anywho, neither my mom, nor my little bro had time to pick up any snazzy socks, so I agreed to run by the mall after school (It's only a few blocks away from my bus stop.) I was kind of in a hurry and didn't have any time to really examine all the different socks throughout the mall, so I ended up just running into Forever 21 and hoping they'd happen to have a pair or two. I don't know why, I just don't see Forever 21 as a huge sock kind of store, you know? But they had some! And they were suppppeeerrr cute!! 
Obviously, I ended up having to buy some for myself as well. Duhhh. But really, look at the state of my average sock:

Actually.... It's kind of cute. It looks like a miniature neon pink ghost or something, doesn't it? Kudos to my little bro for allowing me to stick his hand into one of my raggedy beat up socks. That's a mark of true love, right there.

And now here are the socks I bought at Forever 21!

Kites, apples and stripes!

And some close ups on les cerfs volants...

Et puis les pommes...

And this is a super cute trio of socks! Grey, light brown and orange. I know, these colors don't sound like they'd look good together, but trust me, they do. And they'll look so good with my oxford shoes!

Last but not least, black, yellow and white stripes! I'm very into stripes. :)

Now I just have to decide which ones to give to those sock-less children... Hmmm, suddenly I find myself resenting their lack of socks, as I really hate to choose between all these adorable patterns... WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WEAR SANDALS OR SOMETHING? Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhh. ;)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and chocolate graham crackers. Oh who am I kidding, they're the same thing!




2)  SINGLES AWARENESS DAY    (...........giggle.)

If that's your case, I really am sorry, but at least you're not alone! We're in the same boat! Feel better? No? NO? Hey, don't make me push you off. And in case you're thinking, "Pshh I WANT you to push me out of the boat because then I won't be single", well think again. I've given this whole metaphoric boat situation a lot of thinking and concluded that the couples are in another boat, so falling out of the singles boat will really just render you soggy and wet in addition to still being single.

SO, now that we've figured out this whole boat thing, how 'bout we take a little tour of the history behind Valentine's day? This holiday goes back thousand of years, originating-----JUST KIDDING. What do I look like? The back of a sappy restaurant menu? I don't think so.

You know, this was a pretty good Valentine's for me. Yes, I have no "gentleman caller" and yes, the guy I am interested in has a girlfriend...... but still! I think I have more friends this year than I've ever had before and we've all agreed to be each other's valentines! :) So really... It's all cool bro. I'm  not feeling down, like so many other people who are no doubt at home right now, moaning over their little lonesome selves. That's the one thing I really kind of hate about Valentine's... So many mopey singles. Ickk.

I wish I could cheer them up by inviting them all to my house! I got home to find out that my maman and C-Dawg have been working on a special Valentine's Day dinner!

Complete. With. Dessert.

What's so special about dessert that you have to devote a separate sentence to each individual word, like an idiot 8 year old? I'm glad you asked, italics me. You see.... The dessert involves whip cream and mashed up CHOCOLATE ANIMAL GRAHAM CRACKERS! RIGHT??? To be honest I don't know whether I should be excited, or rather guilty that I'll soon be feasting upon their pulverized carcasses....

After further reflection I've decided to be excited.

Now I'm gonna go lick the whip cream bowl. Because I am soooo cool.
I wish you all a very very very happy Valentine's Day!!! Whether you're hopelessly in love (That shiver you felt in the time space continuum was me rolling my eyes, fyi.) or planning to spend the evening making small talk with your teddy bear across a bowl of spaghetti, I LOVE YOU FOR READING THIS, am certain that you too shall have a fabulous day, and ask you, dear reader... would you like to be my Valentine?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fool Proof Plan

Something that made me very, very, very happy...

One Spectacular Saturday of Shopping

I had a pretty great day yesterday. After spending quite a bit of time sitting around, watching Netflix and looking at pictures on Tumblr, I finally went out with my dad and my little bro. We meant to see this movie that was part of this international film festival going on for the next few weeks, but we ended up getting there too late and finding that all the tickets were sold out. That doesn't sound great, but it was.
Because we had missed it, but were already out, we decided to go to some of the super cool stores that happened to be on that same street. And we ended up seeing the movie later that night. Anywho, the first was this crazy awesome vintage/really-cool-old-stuff store where I got the COOLEST GLOVES IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. They're a dark navy blue leather with white and red racing stripes going up one of the fingers. They're sooo soft, AND they're thin enough that I can still ride a bike or operate a camera! They are my dream gloves. And they fit me perfectly too! I also bought my brother this old Wallace and Gromit shirt. It's from the movie with the homicidal penguin disguised as a chicken! :) Which happens to be one of our favorite W&G movies.
After purchasing our super awesome gloves and t-shirt, we decided to pop in at another one of our favorite stores on the street. It's called "Really Good Stuff", but we just call it the Junk store, because that's essentially what it is. A store absolutely jam-packed with nothing but useless crap. Or so you'd think at first glance. But remember: one man's junk is just another man's treasure! Or at least another man's slightly more valued junk that his wife resents and tries to dump at Goodwill when her husband's not looking. That's sort of the case with us. Although I'm usually the one buying most of the junk.
But really, this store is cool and you can find incredibly awesome stuff when you're looking hard enough. Which is exactly what I did on this trip and it totally payed off. Just as we were leaving, a glorious thing caught my eye. An old, vintage Michael Jackson doll!!!! Dressed in his Thriller outfit! Luckily for me, the box was in pretty bad condition so he couldn't sell it to me for a high price. I got it for just $20 and it's fantastic. I looked him up online and it turns out they also made other outfits, like the clothes he wore from Billy Jean and Beat It! In fact... heh... I kind of want to go on Ebay and buy some...

But anyways, to show you how great my gloves and little MJ are, I had my brother put on his Thriller outfit and we did a little photo shoot! Check it out!

Here is my new MJ doll:

And some pics of just my adorable little brother:

And here are the gloves!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but my brother is a dancer. His Michael Jackson impersonation is great, and he's got all the dance moves down cold! Since we're both so into MJ, I'm sharing my doll--ACTION FIGURE--with him. :) 

So did you guys have a good Saturday? Tell me about it!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A thoroughly random interaction with my brother.

I am sitting at my computer, editing photos, listening to Blondie and eating some of the BEST sausage my tastebuds have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I have to tell you I'm normally not a big sausage fan, so this is kind of a big deal for me.
Hmmmm what else do I have to blog about right now??? I don't know... I've been having quite a lot of trouble blogging lately. My life just feels very uneventful. Okay, I guess I'll share with you a conversation I had with my brother this morning. The following dialogue took place after a petty argument that I can't remember any more. It must also be noted that my brother is a huge germaphobe.

Me: Okay C-Dawg, you know what? Just for that, I'm gonna drink DIRECTLY FROM THIS BOTTLE OF JUICE. And then no one else will be able to drink it for fear of catching my cooties.
Me: Ohhh yes I would. In fact, I WILL.
C-Dawg lunges for the bottle of juice but misses. We scrabble around, fighting over the juice.
Me: MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm gonna do it. No glass or anything! Just me and this COMMUNITY juice bottle.
Me: YES.
C-Dawg: NO!
C-Dawg: NOOO! DAAAAD---wait a minute... I don't even like cranberry juice. Nobody likes cranberry juice.
Me: That took you much longer than I expected.
C-Dawg: ....
Me: *drinks from juice bottle and walks away*
C-Dawg: ....

So yes. That was a random little nugget of my morning for you to enjoy. Thank you for letting me waste a whole 30 seconds of your life. I truly appreciate it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I meant to make a mix tape tonight....

...but I've already used up my allotted procrastination period! Now I have to go do homework... Blahhhh.

BUT, just in case any of you out there are faced with the same horrific task, I'm sharing these hilarious nuggets of comedy genius for your enjoyment. So... enjoy. Yeeah.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Recipes for Love

I have made a tumblr called "Recipes for Love" devoted solely to awesome pick up lines. YOU ARE WELCOME. But don't worry, I will still share plenty of them with you here!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Kids are so awesome.

I took this picture at the playground of C Dawg's middle school...

Middle school graffiti really is the best form of entertainment.


This makes me laugh... :)

Throw pillows and little brothers really are pretty cool.

Yesterday, as I've mentioned, was the last day of my finals. And I actually got out at lunch time since I didn't have any make up finals to do!
This posed a problem though, because I couldn't decide what to do with the rest of my day. Two different groups that I am friends with asked me to go out to lunch with them, but in the end I decided I wanted to spend it with my dear maman... Yes, I am a mama's girl. I know, it baffled my friends as well, but it's the truth!
Anyways, my maman and I decided to go to 23rd to go... SHOPPING. YES. We went to Urban Outfitters, and actually ended up staying there for probably over an hour, there was just so much awesome stuff on sale!! That's what I love about UO, they always have great stuff on sale. On this trip I got a ton of super duper awesome stuff that I will definitely be blogging about, but for this post, I think I am going to talk about my new throw pillows. Sounds lame but think about it: all the bedroom accessories at UO are AMAZING and SPLENDIFEROUS.
So to share them with you in all their glorious splendor, I decided to do a photo shoot with my brother. The result was a collection of super awesome UO throw pillow ads featuring an incredibly adorable little C Dawg. Enjoy!!

This first one is sooo sweet. The front is a flowery lace over gold sequins with a yummy mocha colored back... :)

This one is a little more crazy and eye catching, with beautiful, colorful zigzagging sequins and a bright red back! I loooove it!

And together they are the bomb diggity. Although you have to admit, the best part about all these photos is the cute kid holding the pillows. Honestly, I really think my brother would make a great model. He's super expressive, really creative, and crazy photogenic. I'm very jealous of that last part because unfortunately I do NOT photograph well... I think maybe one in every hundred photos of me is sort of okay. And this little guy... I have trouble deciding which photos to use because they're all so good!!! AHHHHH SO MUCH LOVE. ....For the pillows of course. Brothers are stupid. Pshhhaw.

FINALS ARE OVER. My 365 project is OVER. Everything is ending! WHHAATTT??

Hey guys!!! I've got great news! So all this week, I've been kind of depressed because I was sure that my finals week was going HORRIBLY. But it turns out... it went way better than I thought! All of my finals went pretty well and I'm getting As in all my classes!!! Well except Chemistry.... it's the one class I have serious trouble with. BUT, since I actually started studying for it, I've gotten a lot better! I actually had a pretty good feeling about it when I finished the final... Studying makes you better at stuff?? Whoodda thunk?
I don't know, I almost think I have trouble with Chemistry because it's the first truly challenging class I've ever been in... If I'm honest with myself (which I hate being because it sounds an awful lot like vanity) I think I'm pretty smart. And I've never really had to put that much actual effort into a class before. Meaning I've never had to learn how to study, because the issue's never come up enough for me to really need to! It's not that I take easy classes, please don't think that. And I'm not saying I get straight As all the time either, because I do get Bs sometimes. But that's always because I procrastinate and turn things in late, or I forget to include something.. It's usually a technical detail! But in Chemistry, I find that it's not just the technical things, it's the actual material that I have to put effort into, which is pretty new for me. And it's incredibly annoying. Grrrrrrrrrrr. But I guess I've got to get used to that.
Wow, I'm really sorry if that last paragraph was just insufferably arrogant. I really do hate coming off that way, because one of my least favorite things in a person is excessive vanity.
Mannnnn, this post is so far completely void of humor. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE????

  • It's a good thing that I have my library card... Why? Because I am totally checking you out.
  • If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry! I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas...
  • Crap, something is wrong with my cell phone! (What is it?) It's just that... your number's not in it!
  • See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.
  • People call me John, but you can call me tonight!

Phhhhhheeewwwww... That's much better. Pick up lines always take the edge off things.
Anywho, now that I've got all that boring school stuff out of the way, let's talk about something more interesting!! Hmmmmmmm.... Oooh I thought of something! Guess what??? Today is the last day of my 365 photo project! It's basically this project I've been doing for EXACTLY 365 days now, where I take a photo every day for a year! Kind of like a photographic version of the project I started Jan. 1st: 365 days of sketchin'...
But after today, my photo project is over!! It's such a weird idea. But at the same time, it feels really amazing. I remember when I started I kept thinking, "There's no way I'll ever actually complete this thing... I give it a month tops...", and now look at me! I'm pretty jazzed... But now I have to think about what my last photo will be. I want it to be something reaaaallllyyy special, since it's the last one and all. And what do you think I should do with the completed project? I was thinking I might make a huge photo album or something.. When/If I do I'll make a post about it and share it with you, mkay? And I was thinking that maybe later I'd post some of my favorite shots from the collection as well.
I think now that my finals are over I'll be posting a lot more, so that's pretty exciting. :) And I'll have time to actually update my sketch blog! YES.
Welllll now, we are having exceptionally nice weather outside today. I think I'm going to go for a walk with my camera. You should go outside too. Get some fresh air, yadda yadda yadda. Talk to ya later Senor Alligator.