Monday, November 28, 2011

Aloha means both hello and goodbye. So Aloha my friends. Aloha.

HELLLOO my daffodarlings!
I just wanted to tell you a few things. Unfortunately/fortunately, my play is opening on Thursday and I have shows every day until the Sunday of next week AND, on top of that, I also have mountains of homework and projects and tests lined up!! I am suuuupppperrrr excited about the production (A Christmas Carol) but sadly, I have only about an hour and a half a day to do all my school work and I will not have much time to frolic in the glades of my oh so wonderfully comforting blog! I love love love blogging, and so this makes me very sad... Especially since I had so many posts planned that I'd been hoping to do....
So yes, I just wanted to let you know I will be taking a temporary break from blogging. WAIT. Did you just hear that? Oh never mind... It was just the sound of my heart breaking.
I will try to post a couple things in the next few weeks, but just know it will be crazy and sporadic! I also probably won't get around to making up my missed mix tape... much less the one for this week. :( Nahhh, maybe I can slam something together. I'll try.
Now, it has come to my attention that very few people actually care about any of this... which is sort of bumming me out. So I'm going to depart. Goodbye, my friends! I hope to talk to you again, eventually! Wish me luck in my play! Here's hoping I'm not the kid who trips on stage and accidentally tears down the red curtains mid-fall.

Farewell for now! -Calypsoooo

PS Just to keep you excited, I thought I'd let you know that after I am finished with my busy, busy weeks, I will be hosting a free give-away for a VERY cool product!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm bummed that I won't be getting my Calypso fix =/
    Break all the legs, though! Not just your own. ALL the legs. <3
