Saturday, September 10, 2011

Five Crazy Awesome TV Shows

You know what it's like to have a perfect, productive day all planned out, and then have it completely dissolve into a day of TV, mango juice and sugar-free chocolate? Well I do. Why am I so weak?? Why can't I tear myself away from this magical picture box of endless entertainment? Gahhhh.
Well, since this is what my day is pretty much about, I'm going to talk about my favorite television shows. I don't know why, but for some reason most of my favorites get canceled, to be replaced by ongoing seasons of things like scrubs and jersey shore... What is wrong with the world?? Anyways, here are 5 of my favorite shows (not really in any particular order):

1. 30 Rock
This is one of the few of my favs that is actually doing well. Tina Fey is a goddess. This is one of the most hilarious shows ever, with some of the greatest characters ever created!! Liz, Jack, Frank, Kenneth...

Oh, Kenneth. Did you know that Jack McBrayer actually is from Georgia and talks and smiles like that in real life? I LOOOVE HIM. And I love this show!

2. Better Off Ted

Alas, poor ted only had two seasons, but it was an amazing show. Like 30 Rock, the characters were so funny and vivid. It was a satirical show about life working for a soulless conglomerate of a fictional company called "Veridian Dynamics". It kills me that it was canceled so early! My favorite character was Veronica, played by Portia de Rossi (Ellen's wife). If you haven't seen this show before, YOU HAVE TO. IT IS THE GREATEST!

3. Psych

Or is Psych the greatest show ever? Hmmm it's so hard to decide... This one is also doing pretty well even though it's on my favorites list. It's about a guy named Shawn who lives in Santa Barbara. He is hyper-observant but uses his talents to pretend he is a psychic, so he can work cases with the police and private jobs on the side at his psychic detective agency started with his best friend Gus. Shawn is incredibly witty and clever and makes tons of references to old movies. The banter in this show is so fast and sharp it is amazing. Again, you HAVE to watch this show. Soooo good.

4. Star Trek

I don't even think any explanation is necessary for this one. All I'm gonna say is: someday I will travel to an alternate universe and marry Spock and live happily ever after beside his wicked awesome eyebrows and super sexy logic. Yeah. I will. Some day. Just you wait and see.

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5. Chuck

I've got to say I love this TV show, but it's definitely time it ended. The plot has run it's course, there's really nowhere for it to go but down. That said, it's a really entertaining show and the first four seasons are fantastic. The basic story line is computer nerd gets tops secret info stuck in his head, computer nerd meets hot girl who is really a spy, computer nerd becomes a spy himself, computer nerd gets the hot girl and after lots of super cool missions, they live happily ever after. So, soo funny.

So in conclusion, my favorite kind of television is the funny kind. But I like serious shows too sometimes. I used to absolutely love Grey's Anatomy but after they killed George and got rid of Izzy, it got really bad so I stopped watching. I also like Glee because of Darren Criss. <3

So yeahhhh. Go television! I need to go read now or something.

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