Saturday, October 29, 2011

"We went for a walk..." "On our feet, if I remember correctly."

So making my nerd mix tape got me thinking about Flight of the Conchords and how much I LOVE them... I thought I'd just share a couple really funny songs of theirs because it gives me an excuse to sit around and listen to them...
  1. Business Time
    --> This is one of the few things that can make my dad laugh so hard he almost needs medical attention.
  2. Ladies of the World
    --> First Flight of the Conchords song I ever heard!!! I heard it but I didn't know the name of the song so I just looked up bits of the lyrics and then finally I found it and it changed my life... forever...
  3. Think About It
    --> Basically, they talk about the issues. You know, the things that are wrong with the world. Turns out they're almost funnier when they talk about "serious" things. "A man is lying on the street, some punk has chopped off his head, and I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead! ....Turns out he's dead..."
  4. The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)
    --> "Well looking 'round the room, I can tell you are the most beautiful girl in the room. In the whole wide room! And when you're on the street, depending on the street, I'll bet you are definitely in the top three. Good looking girls on the street (depending on the street)..." Hilarious.
  5. Jenny
    --> This one is really, really funny when you watch them perform it live on YouTube. It's basically this really awkward conversation between these two people at the park and it's hilarious. I won't give anything away, but trust me, you want to watch it. In fact...

Go watch it. NOW. Like seriously. NOW. NOW. NOW. Okay? Cool. And remember, it's long but stick around cause it's hilarious and it just gets better and better and better... Plus, if you watch it, you'll understand my title! Seriously, don't do it for me, do it for you. It'll brighten up your day, I promise. :)

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