Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A special weekly post? Yes? No? YES. Let's do it!

First off: it's sunny and raining at the same time where I am. This weather is sooo bipolar. Anyways,
I was trying to think of a way to motivate myself into being more consistent with my posting. I thought it might be a good idea to do a regular post that I do every Monday or every Wednesday or every Friday, etc... (I haven't picked a specific day, but you know what I mean, right?)
I was thinking it could be a special kind of post, like with a specific focus. That way it's not just mindless rambling and random interruptions of my train of thoug---OH LOOK IT'S A SQUIRREL! ... You see what I mean? Yeah. I GET EASILY OFF TOPIC. WAIT, WHY IS THIS ON CAPS LOCK? WHAT IS HAPPENING? I THINK MY KEY BOARD'S BROKEN. MY DAD IS GONNA KILL me never mind, I fixed it. What was I talking about?? Oh yeah! My special weekly post thingy. Okay, I thought I'd make a weekly... duh duh duh duh.... SPECIALLY THEMED MUSICAL MIX TAPE!!! (and yes, that time I meant to use caps lock) Slightly unoriginal, you say? Yes. But I really like music and I think it will be fun. I have to say I'm not sure how good I am at making playlists and I'm not sure how good my taste in music is either, but I will enjoy it and that's all that counts! Right? Right!
Just to warn you, my musical tastes are sporadic. I like to jump from genre to genre, because really, who wants to confine themselves to one or two styles when they're all so utterly amazing??
If you're anything like me (aka a huge dork) you'll love to air guitar in a moronic fashion to Jimi Hendrix; spazz out to crazy pop artists like Ms. Britney Spears; slave away at homework with John Coltrane and Charlie Parker keeping you company; cry to depressing Taylor Swift songs because sometimes it seems like she's the only person who'd understand; watch other, more talented dancers, moonwalk around to Michael Jackson; rap alongside Vanilla Ice and the Black Eyed Peas; express your inner indie self listening to The Shins and Broken Bells; walk around in the rain to Dido and Art in Manila... Yeah. At least that's what I do. :)
Wow, that entire paragraph is like one mega out of control sentence. I'm so proud of myself! I just wish my English teacher could see all my semi-colons. Okay, what was I actually talking about? Huh... Oh right! Weekly mixed tapes. So? Good idea? Bad idea? We'll go with the former. And I think I'll do it on Wednesdays. Nothing fun happens on Wednesdays. They're probably one of my least favorite days because they're half way through the week and it feels like it should be the weekend but it isn't!!! Gahhh. I hate Wednesdays. Hate them. And what's up with the spelling?? Is anybody else bothered by that first "d"? I mean, it's not WEDnesday. It's WENsday. Or am I just crazy?
So... I'll talk to ya tomorrow! And I will make a special WEDnesday post containing a magical mix tape. Pozegnanie!

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