Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mix Tape #9: Stick it to them dirty dishes!

I can't believe how long it's been since I've made a mix tape!! Well, here we go... my ninth mix! It's for washing dishes. :) Because really, what's more boring and unpleasant than washing dishes? Not a lot. Which is why the activity sorely needs an accompanying mix of music full of energy and catchy choruses.
Just a heads-up, I find that this one's mainly composed of older songs from the 60-80s, because I guess I  prefer scrubbing dishes to oldie classics. I hope you do too! Enjoy. :D

1. "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor
This is kind of the most inspirational song ever, which makes it great for washing dishes. I find that when I start out, I always feel so hopeless because I know I have a mountain of spaghetti covered ceramic staring at me from the sink. BUT, when I play this song I feel like I can do ANYTHING. I mean, it's all like "DUH. DUH DUH DUH. DUH DUH DUH. DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHH." So it's always a great way to start off a dish washing mix tape!

2. "Modern Love" by David Bowie
I LOVE DAVID BOWIE. I know I've definitely said this before but I just thought I'd repeat it in case anyone had forgotten... Since David Bowie is awesome, he obviously has to be featured in this mix. Come on, think about it. How can you be unhappy when David Bowie is playing anywhere within a 30 ft radius?? Pshhh, I'll tell you: it's impossible. Even if you're elbow deep in a mixture of water and other people's half eaten food! This song is also full of energy and really fun to sing along to. I think it's very important to listen to songs that you enjoy singing when you wash dishes. It always makes things 10 times more fun.

3. "Greased Lightning" by Grease (John Travolta)
Yes. This is happening, I am including a song from Grease. You're welcome Polethene Pam! Is it just me, or is hunky, young John Travolta not absolutely drool-worthy? I just loooove him. And honestly, even today (though I find him less attractive) he's pretty great. He was hilarious in Hairspray... Anyways, this is one of my favorite songs from the movie (yes I'm talking movie here, not the musical) and I just love it! Why this car could be systematic... Hydromatic... Ultramatic... Why it could be greased lightning!

4. "Build Me Up Buttercup" by The Foundations
SUCH a great sing along song. And sooooo much fun to dance around to with your friends!! It's just one of those songs that are incredibly catchy and classic.... It always puts me in a good mood, no matter what state I'm in. Do you have a song like that? You should totally share it with me. ;)

5. "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow
This and "Eye of the Tiger" are the two songs I never ever EVER leave out of my dish washing mix tapes. Ever. I first heard "Copacabana" in my 6th grade music class, and we had to learn the lyrics and analyze the song and I fell in love with it instantly. The moment I got home, I went straight to iTunes and bought it immediately! I love playing it with friends, or even just my little brother. We sing along and dance around and act out the verses... It's great. And though it's a little harder to dance to when you're stuck at the sink, I think it just gives a challenging twist to the dish washing process. If you haven't heard this song before: 1) I AM SHOCKED! and 2) I'm not gonna tell you exactly what happens, because I'd spoil it. But I will say I think it's intriguing how happy and upbeat it is, while the actual story is so utterly depressing in the end...

6. "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
I sort of felt like I should try to include a couple newer songs, so I chose Maroon 5 as one of my contemporary selections. I really love Maroon 5 (Adam Levine.... ahhhhhhhhh) and this is a pretty great song. Even my dad likes it, and he's very critical of my generation's music. I also think it's cool how they use actual footage of Mick Jagger in the music video. And it's hilarious that in this same video... Adam Levine really doesn't have a whole lot of moves at all. Yes, a gorgeous body he does have, but moves like Jagger? Not so much.

7. "Don't Fuck With My Money" by Penguin Prison
And this is my second contemporary song! I guess they're back to back.... Hmmmmm I don't know how I feel about that.. But oh well. I think it sounds good this way. Anywho, this is a song that I discovered a little while back. The singing is very much my style, and the lyrics are super catchy. And the whole song is this protest/response from the middle class to wall street and the 1%. It's from their first album, and I am CRAZY EXCITED about the group. Ooh and the music video is AWESOME. So awesome in fact, that I think I have to include it here:

If you haven't heard this song, I strongly suggest you listen to it. Oh, and if you have an aversion to profanity, even when used in an epic context such as this one, no fear! There's a clean version called "Don't Fuss With My Money".

8. "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" by Wham!
Though the last two songs strayed a little from the style I had previously set up for our dish washing adventure, this last one, I think, returns the mix to it nicely. It's another really great, classic feel-good song that's uber catchy and fun to move around to. And it's a great way to scrape the gunk off of those last few dishes... Hoorahhhh.

Yep. That's my mix tape for today! I hope you liked it and maybe even use it next time you are given the unpleasant task of kitchen cleanup. Oh, and let me just say, dishes are the most fun when you're doing them with friends! So whenever you're at a dinner party or something where the adults have the NERVE to make the children do the dishes (GAAASSSPPP), if you have some buddies there, just play this mix and have fun! It'll go by like a blast.

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Modern Love by David Bowie
Greased Lightning by Grease (John Travolta)
Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
Copacabana by Barry Manilow
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Don't Fuck With My Money by Penguin Prison
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham!

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