Monday, January 9, 2012

Bamboo Building Bonanza in Bali

HEY HOME DAWGS!! Gosh, I've missed all of you imaginary readers so much!! Unfortunately, finals madness is quickly creeping up on me and I've been putting all my extra time into updating my new sketch blog, so I've sort of let this one slip a little.. :( But no more! We're going to catch up! (Aka I'm going to chatter mindlessly about my life for the next 5 minutes. YOU DON'T GET TO TALK. Unless you comment... Heh.)

So what's been going on with me? I'm glad you asked! They didn't. Go away.

This weekend, I did something pretty awesome. I went on a giant birthday party scavenger hunt ALLLL across downtown!! It was AWESOME! There were about 20 people at the party, and we split into three groups and ran around all over town! And I knew/was friends with a bunch of the people there so I never felt left out or socially retarded! In fact... I kind of felt like an ordinary teenager. You know, chillin' with friends and goofing off and just having fun. Which is a pretty rare experience for me.

The things we had to find and photograph were really cool too. Here is a short list of examples:
  • A photo of a couple kissing (yessss, we had to walk up to people and ask them to kiss for us...)
  • A naked mannequin (This was totally impossible to find, and I was a hero when I finally found one! Two, actually. They were three stories up smashed against a window and surrounded by boxes, in a storage area above the mall. I saw them as we were walking by. An impressive accomplishment, if I do say so myself.)
  • A really weird newspaper article (Ours was "Bamboo Building Bonanza in Bali". I am not joking. It really was.)
  • A food sample (The catch was, we had to bring it with us, not just take a photo.)
  • A feather boa (Very difficult, but we finally found one in "Claire's". Hurrah for feather boa wearing teenagers!)
And many, many more! Basically, it was super duper fun. After the hunt, we got pizza, walked back to the mall and then played a hide and seek like game in it. And then we went out and just kind of meandered until we got to the square where we started, where we hung out for the rest of the time. 
Oh, and did I mention my team also won the hunt? We were the only ones to find EVERYTHING on the list.  >:D

Hope you had a great weekend too! 

AHH WAIT I FORGOT SOMETHING! I also went out with my family afterwards and bought THE SHINIEST AND MOST METALLIC SHIRT I HAVE EVER SEEN AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL! I got it at an Outlet Mall too so it was a super great deal. I'm pretty sure it's the first thing I've ever owned from Calvin Klein. Wanna see? You know you do...

You can't quite see just how wondrously shiny it is, but trust me on that.

Guess how much it was originally? 80 FREAKING DOLLARS. Maybe that's not a lot to you, but compared to how much I usually pay for my shirts, it's ridiculous. Guess how much I got it for? $24!!! Which is actually still pricey compared to what my usual clothes cost, but since it was such a great deal and the shiniest shirt ever, I had to get it. AHHH I love finding amazing clothing on sale! :)

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