Friday, December 23, 2011

Mix Tape #7: Make you believe in MAGIC.

Hi guys!! Guess what??? I'm bringing. Back. The mixed tapes. Yep. Even though it's not a Wednesday. I've just skipped so many! So I've decided in the spirit of the season, to make up for all my missed mixes in the next few days! Eeeeep I'm excited. Are you excited? I'M EXCITED.
Now, since this is my seventh mixed tape, and by tradition 7 is supposed to be the most magical number, I'm going to center my theme around magicalness! Don't misunderstand me, it's not going to have songs about magic (though that does sound pretty cool). It's going to be a mix with seven songs that make me believe in magic. You know those kind of songs that are just so beautiful, so incredible, that they have this almost magical feeling? Maybe I'm just weird, but sometimes, certain music can just... sweep me off my feet. Or take my breath away. Or break my heart. You know?
So here are seven songs that have that wondrous, eery, extraordinary effect on me. Hope you like them too! :)

1. "Big Jet Plane" by Angus and Julia Stone
This is just such a beautiful song... It's really special to me because I always connect it with the moment I first heard it. As you may or may not know, depending on how often you actually read my blogs, I was recently in this school play and I made a bunch of new friends. During one of the shows, I and a couple other girls were waiting for our next scene, and someone found a guitar. We all sort of drifted into a circle and started singing songs and this one girl, Kimberly, started playing the guitar along to them. Then she started playing and singing this song and it was just such a wonderful, magical moment. One of those moments I don't think I'll ever forget. Then of course I went home and listened to the actual song and fell in love with it. So now it has this magical feel to me. Will it for you as well? Check it out. :)

2. "40 Day Dream" by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes are just a magical band in general. They're the kind of sound that make my day no matter how bad of a mood I'm in. This song in particular just makes me happy. It gives me a big smile like this --> :D And when I'm feeling depressed and cynical, it gives me hope. I think you'll like it.

3. "Hold On, Hold On" by Neko Case
Neko Case is, in my opinion, an awesome singer. Her voice is really beautiful and sounds exactly the same live as it does in her recorded tracks, which is very impressive. This song is really beautiful and it sends shivers down my spine. It's a song that really doesn't make any logical sense lyrics wise, but at the same time it brings home this powerful emotional reaction for me that goes beyond words. Which, I think, is a bit like magic.

4. "Bedroom Hymns" by Florence + The Machine
Florence is such a magical, surreal, other-worldly musician, isn't she? I just feel like she doesn't belong on earth. Doesn't she sound as if she came tumbling down from the sky like a fallen star? She's just too beautiful for us! What did we do to deserve her? This is one of my favorite songs from her album "Ceremonials". I'm not a religious person at all to be honest, but this song, to me, is a religious experience.

5. "Twice" by Little Dragon
This is another song that just transforms my mood every time I hear it, but rather than make me happy and hopeful like "40 Day Dream", it makes me feel more sad and quietly philosophic. It just has this rhythm and this voice that sweeps me away. I also listened to it when I had this really strong crush on a guy this one summer, so it reminds me of him. :) I think of all of these songs, this one might actually have the most magical, splendiferous and, at the same time, painful effect on me. It's really just beautiful.

6. "Cosmic Love" by Florence + The Machine
Sorry! I just HAD to include another Florence song. "Cosmic Love" is just too gorgeous and magical to leave out. I've sort of already talked about dear Florence, so I think I'll cut this narration short. Listen to the song if you haven't already heard it! It's lovely...

7. "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin
Yep. Had to include it. This could be considered a rather unoriginal choice since it is pretty much Led Zeppelin's most popular song, but that doesn't change the fact that it's one of my favorites. It's just such an amazing song by an amazing band. The very definition of magic. :) Especially since there are so many Lord of the Ring references!

So that's my mix tape of magical songs for you. :) I do recommend you go listen to them! I'm afraid I'm rather terrible at describing music, but I do my best. But that makes it all the more necessary that you go listen to the actual songs yourself! GO! GO NOW!
Just in an attempt to force you to listen to them, I'm going to include the links below. Gosh, I'm sneaky. ;)

Big Jet Plane The music video for this song is soooo strange and fantastic. Check it out.
40 Day Dream
Hold On, Hold On
Bedroom Hymns
Twice This music video is also really cool.
Cosmic Love You should watch this video just because Florence is GORGEOUS.
Stairway to Heaven

1 comment:

  1. Cosmic Love is one of those songs where when I listen to it I *must* sing my heart out along with it. And then I have to play it again so I can listen to how beautifully Florence sings it.
