Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cats and friends and seatbelts. We're going to cover a lot today.

Hello friends! Or acquaintances... (I guess I don't know you all too well.) Oh what the hell, let's just be amigos! We'll see where this crazy friend-SHIP takes us! Gosh, I hope we don't hit an ICEBERG. AHAHAHAhahahahahaaaa I am just sooo funny...

Moving. On.

I am very happy and very sad. Want to know why? First off, I'm very happy because I have a bunch of friends all visiting right now from various places out of town, which makes me all smiley. (Polethene Pam, Miss Mixie, the glorious sister of Miss Mixie) :) I am sad, because one of these aforementioned friends (Miss Mixie) is terribly ill with suspected food poisoning... :( I feel so sad that she's all sick and icky feeling while she's supposed to be enjoying her vacation!! You know in the Peter Pan movie when tinker bell gets poisoned and everybody claps really hard at the same time and thus render her healthy and glowing again (still don't understand the science behind that btdubs)? Well I figure our dear Miss Mixie is quite an awful lot like a sparkly, flying fairy thingy herself, so perhaps if we all clap really hard, she might just get better? So clap, my minions, CLAP YOUR HANDS!! This is totally going to work.

Now that I've shared with you my ingenious plan to restore Miss Mixie to perfect health, I'm going to share some stuff with you! First off, an adorable cat picture. Because I am a very original blogger who posts very original material. I mean, please, name one other blogger who posts cute cat photos! I dare you. Bet you $5 you won't find one. Oh. Oh, really? You found one? Well I guess I owe you $5...... What a surprise.

Anyways, here's the photo:

Heehee. I took this pic of a cut out magazine picture that was hanging on the wall in this really cool barbershop. Miss Mixie's sister got her hair dyed today (AHH!!! :D) and I was chillin' out with her while she got it done. We got it done at the "original rock & roll barbershop" which is this super cool place only a few blocks from my house. It has magazine clippings and stickers and stuff literally plastering the walls and it's super cool. So yeah. That's the explanation behind my discovery of this adorableness.

The next thing I wanted to share with you is the purchase I made earlier this same day. It. Is. Spectacular. I probably haven't mentioned this before, but lately I have sorely needed a fun, casual belt. I probably have mentioned my love of dinosaurs. Yes, now that I think of it, yes I have. Well today... I found the greatest belt in the whole wide world. Or at least a pretty cool one. 
Feast your eyes upon it's glory:

Since you can sort of see it, do you like my shirt? :) My brother gave it to me for Christmas. <3

IT'S A SEAT BELT. COVERED IN DINOSAURS. IN PRIMARY COLORS! <3 I just love it so much! And it's super adjustable and comfy and awesome. While it holds up my pants quite well, it really knocks of my socks if you know what I mean...

Now it's super late, so I best be going. I've got SO MUCH to do and break is fast coming to a close, so it's best that I get my sleep. Don't forget to clap for my poor, sick Mixie! Pozegnanie!

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