Saturday, December 17, 2011

A day of babies and shopping and Sherlock Holmes...

I don't know why, but I have been taking pictures all day, documenting my many splendid adventures, so I thought I might as well share my afternoon with y'all.

I was invited to a birthday party for some really adorable 1 year old baby neighbors today. My maman and I were thinking about it when we realized we didn't have any presents!! And that simply wouldn't do. Sooooo we went SHOPPING! Which is exactly what I had been hoping to do! T'was perfect....
Except we sort of got sidetracked. As we were on our way to the toy store, we passed this awesome chocolate shop that serves the most delicious drinking chocolate ever, so we just HAD to stop OF COURSE. 

After we purchased our liquid chocolate as well as some sea salt caramels, we headed to the toy store... Then found out it had relocated so it was now conveniently placed next to this ridiculously fantastic vintage store called "Magpie". I swear, every time I go into this store, I always find something that I have to have. So of course we had to delay our toy shopping to drop into "Magpie". 

Before I even walked in, I saw the cutest little antique monkey stuffed animals in the window... Unfortunately I already have a stupendous collection of stuffed items hoarded away in my house (some from my younger years, some more... heheh... recently acquired). What can I say, I have an addiction to stuffed animals. They are my kryptonite.
Gosh, I wanted those monkeys sooo bad!! But I resisted the temptation. Well... sort of. I bought something else that was equally unneeded later on. 

First off, here are the super cute monkeys:

Aren't they cute??? They're a boy monkey and a girl monkey and they're HUGGING!! AWWWWWWW.. They're from the 70's from an obviously discontinued line called "Nature Babies". And. I. Want. Them.

I also found a bag that I reaaalllyyy liked:

It's also a 70s piece. Hmm. Maybe I'm going through a phase.

Now here is the really silly thing that I bought. Please don't judge me. Please. But... it's a box. A teeny tiny wooden box, for which I payed... $12. *GASP*

I know right? Obviously, I will be using it for a different purpose. 

I know, I know it's ridiculous. But... I just couldn't help it. You know how sometimes you find something, and even though it's the last thing you need and way overpriced... you just can't get it out of your mind? Sometimes I find things that just feel... magical. And special. And inspiring. And when I find these kinds of things, and I'm able to afford them... then I have to get them.

My mom also found a ton of awesome stuff and so we ended up chillin' in there for a looonngg time. And the super cute puppy sleeping on the counter didn't help us get out any faster either...

When we finally dragged ourselves out of "Magpie", we went to the toy store and I have to say, it made me wish I was still 6 years old. It's been ages since I've been to a good old kid's toy store and it made me sooo nostalgic... These are some of the things I found:

Look how freaky realistic this is!! I'm telling you, this would have freaked out little 6-year-old Calypso.

This penguin puppet was sooo funny. Doesn't it kind of look like it's pondering whether or not to eat you?

It's SPOT! Well, actually I guess it's three Spots. I used to love this little guy... I think I've mentioned it before. I was blown away though, cuz I had never seen a stuffed animal version of him! This would've made my day 10 years ago. In fact... it kind of still made my day. Wellllll, this and my magic box.

So we ended up getting some cute little teething toys for the babies, since after all they're only one year old. Then, after we went to the party (babies are so cute and smushy btw), we went to... THE NEW SHERLOCK HOLMES MOVIE!!!! And I'm just gonna say... IT. WAS. AMAZING. And absolutely hilarious. I very rarely find myself full on cackling with delight when I'm in a dark theater, it's usually just silent laughter, but this movie actually made me laugh SO hard. But it was also really dramatic and thrilling and really, really well shot. Honestly, it was very aesthetically pleasing and the effects were so cool. 
There was this amazing scene where they're running through these woods and they're being shot at and it's in slow motion but not in a lame way and it was just.... great. It's one of those movies that I want to go out and actually, physically purchase just so I can watch it over and over and over again. Robert Downey Jr. is a fantastic Sherlock Holmes. 
It really is an indescribably awesome movie and you need to go see it. Really. I promise. You will not regret it at all. Trust me. "DO YOU TRUST ME?" "NO." "WELL WE'LL HAVE TO WORK ON THAT." "WHA---" *Pushes you off of the train* If you go see the movie, you'll get what I just did there. Here's the trailer:

So yes. Overall, very good day. And I think I'll have to go see that movie again... 

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