Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy 100th post, my little bloggypoo

Hey peeps, guess what?? (Yes, I did just call you a sugar coated marshmallow. Take it as a compliment.) Anyways, THIS IS MY 100th POST!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH----Hm, I feel like I'm not handling this as maturely as I could be. Maybe I should thank people? Okay, I'll do that:

I'd like to thank my readers most of all. And when I say "my readers", I hope it applies to more than three people, one of whom is most likely my mother. But if it doesn't, I want those two other people to know how much I really do love them. You hear that? I LOVE you. Okay, this is getting too mushy for me so I'll just continue on with my thank yous. I'd also like to thank my wonderful friends (Polythene Pam and Miss Mixie!), my family, and last--but not least--the academy! That's the Oscars stupid. Oh, right. Heh.

Speaking of the Oscars (smooth transition, right?), did you watch 'em? I did. :) And every time someone that I liked won, I would jump up, run across the room, and hug my cat. Now she's avoiding me.... I keep forgetting she hates being squeezed. I can just see her glaring at me now, meowing, "You know I'm not a tube of toothpaste."

I also have to say, I have a new celebrity obsession. Jean Dujardin is like my french Darren Criss. (Except he's married and nearly 40.)

Oops, I forgot this is supposed to be all about my 100th post accomplishment! Well, here's a picture I took in celebration:

That's my bro... He's so cute. <3

It's funny, while we took this photo, I was actually carrying him so he wouldn't get his socks wet outside. We may look happy, but the conversation we were having at the time went a little like this:

C-Dawg: Hey don't drop me!
Me: When did you get so heavy? YOU WEIGH LIKE A MILLION POUNDS.
C-Dawg: I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
Me: Hey, you're not the one throwing out your back, FATSO.
C-Dawg: You're the fat one!
Me: No, you are.
C-Dawg: No, you are!

(It's funny cause my brother is actually like the skinniest kid on the planet.)

But really guys.... thank you so much for reading this! You make my day. :)

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