Thursday, February 23, 2012

My lunch is like a baby kitten.

Hey there! How's your day going? Good? That's cool bra.

Isn't that funny how guys are calling their homeboys "bras"? If you don't live in the US, let me explain... So guys usually call their friends "bros". You know, short for brothers. But lately the trend is to pronounce it "bra" instead of "bro" which makes me giggle because it sounds like they're calling their buddies wee little bits of lingerie. :)

Anywho, I originally intended to tell you about this awful predicament that I am currently in.
I'm sitting in my dad's work building, in my "office" (basically an empty room with a great view that I get to chill out in when I do my homework and things). When I came up I was super hungry and my dad showed me these left over lunches from a meeting they had earlier in the day. They're these SUPER cute packed meals from the cafe downstairs, and I just looovvee mine! So much so that I kind of don't want to eat it....
It's this cute little box with a mini bag of chips, a cup of fruit, a sandwich, napkins and two cookies! One is chocolate chip, and the other is a sugar cookie in the shape of an ELEPHANT. (Because the cafe is called "Elephants Delicatessen"! Isn't that awesome???)

I know what you're thinking... "It's a packed lunch, not a baby kitten." BUT IT'S JUST SO DARN ADORABLE. I can't bear the thought of pulling everything out and mercilessly devouring it! Because it IS as cute as a baby kitten. So it would be like cutting open said baby kitten and dismembering it to gorge upon its innards. I don't know about you, but that's not how I show baby kittens my affection.

"Oooh baby kitten, you are just so cute I could eat your spleen!" Not something you hear every day.

Hmmm. This post is incredibly random and rather pointless. So I shall go now. To mull over what I should do with my packed lunch.

To eat or not to eat the metaphoric infant feline. That is the question.

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