Thursday, March 22, 2012

A story that ends with a very disgruntled cat.

I'd like to tell you a sad story. Sit down, mah child.

I made a new friend a couple weeks ago, his name will be.... Tiberius. Hey, it's a blog, I'm allowed to give people funny names! Anywho, I met him through some other friends and we all started hanging out during lunch. Well a few days later, we realized we're in the same math class! So when we realized this, he just started sitting next to me like it was the most ordinary thing in the world. This was a big deal for anti-social me because I previously had no friends in my math class and was just a very lonely kid with nothing to entertain her save binomial probability. But all of a sudden, behold! A nice guy decides to sit next to me! (And to do this he had to leave the more popular kids that he was sitting with.)
So for a while I was very happy. Every math class, we'd walk in together and he would sit by me. :) One time, we both sat down next to each other, but at two different tables that were pushed together, and somebody pulled his table away to the other side of the classroom. When this happened, he was like, "Oh no, we're being pulled apart!" And then he got up and sat on my other side, like it was the only natural solution to our separation. Okay, you probably see what I'm getting at by the level of detail I've gone into.
Basically, I started to like this boy. He shares my opinions on Doctor Who (that David Tenant is the best but Matt Smith isn't given enough credit, that Rose was a terrible companion, that the plot twists in the sixth season were the bomb diggity, etc...), loves Star Trek, is really funny, super smart AND on Speech and Debate AND Captain of the robotics team.... He's sort of my perfect guy. And I really thought he liked me too.
BUT, yesterday..... I was proved wrong because apparently, I'm very bad at picking up signals. Yesterday, he asked another girl to the prom. Obviously, I wasn't expecting him to ask me because we pretty much just met, but I had no idea he was into this other girl. To make things worse, she is a freshmen from my old middle school, so whenever I think about her, I always picture this tiny little sixth grader. He also did it in pretty much the most adorably romantic way possible. He asked her to prom... via robot. Yes. A robot drove up to her with a sign that said "Prom?", complete with a bouquet of roses. Part of me is sad because I really liked him, and the other part is really happy for the two because it was a very cute moment. Ohhh well, I'll just have to move on.
To be honest, I've listened to some sad Taylor Swift songs and now I'm feeling pretty good. It does kind of suck though, that every guy I start to like turns out to already be in a relationship. Never mind, I have my cats. I'll just have to resign myself to a life of feline love.


Well now I'm off. Did I mention it snowed last night and today I have no school? Hm, I didn't. You can tell I'm still not totally myself. Maybe I'll just bury myself in blogging today. Tell ya what, I'm gonna go out and take pictures of all the snow. That's what I'm gonna do! This will definitely take my mind off of my nonexistent love life.

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