Friday, February 3, 2012

FINALS ARE OVER. My 365 project is OVER. Everything is ending! WHHAATTT??

Hey guys!!! I've got great news! So all this week, I've been kind of depressed because I was sure that my finals week was going HORRIBLY. But it turns out... it went way better than I thought! All of my finals went pretty well and I'm getting As in all my classes!!! Well except Chemistry.... it's the one class I have serious trouble with. BUT, since I actually started studying for it, I've gotten a lot better! I actually had a pretty good feeling about it when I finished the final... Studying makes you better at stuff?? Whoodda thunk?
I don't know, I almost think I have trouble with Chemistry because it's the first truly challenging class I've ever been in... If I'm honest with myself (which I hate being because it sounds an awful lot like vanity) I think I'm pretty smart. And I've never really had to put that much actual effort into a class before. Meaning I've never had to learn how to study, because the issue's never come up enough for me to really need to! It's not that I take easy classes, please don't think that. And I'm not saying I get straight As all the time either, because I do get Bs sometimes. But that's always because I procrastinate and turn things in late, or I forget to include something.. It's usually a technical detail! But in Chemistry, I find that it's not just the technical things, it's the actual material that I have to put effort into, which is pretty new for me. And it's incredibly annoying. Grrrrrrrrrrr. But I guess I've got to get used to that.
Wow, I'm really sorry if that last paragraph was just insufferably arrogant. I really do hate coming off that way, because one of my least favorite things in a person is excessive vanity.
Mannnnn, this post is so far completely void of humor. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE????

  • It's a good thing that I have my library card... Why? Because I am totally checking you out.
  • If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry! I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas...
  • Crap, something is wrong with my cell phone! (What is it?) It's just that... your number's not in it!
  • See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.
  • People call me John, but you can call me tonight!

Phhhhhheeewwwww... That's much better. Pick up lines always take the edge off things.
Anywho, now that I've got all that boring school stuff out of the way, let's talk about something more interesting!! Hmmmmmmm.... Oooh I thought of something! Guess what??? Today is the last day of my 365 photo project! It's basically this project I've been doing for EXACTLY 365 days now, where I take a photo every day for a year! Kind of like a photographic version of the project I started Jan. 1st: 365 days of sketchin'...
But after today, my photo project is over!! It's such a weird idea. But at the same time, it feels really amazing. I remember when I started I kept thinking, "There's no way I'll ever actually complete this thing... I give it a month tops...", and now look at me! I'm pretty jazzed... But now I have to think about what my last photo will be. I want it to be something reaaaallllyyy special, since it's the last one and all. And what do you think I should do with the completed project? I was thinking I might make a huge photo album or something.. When/If I do I'll make a post about it and share it with you, mkay? And I was thinking that maybe later I'd post some of my favorite shots from the collection as well.
I think now that my finals are over I'll be posting a lot more, so that's pretty exciting. :) And I'll have time to actually update my sketch blog! YES.
Welllll now, we are having exceptionally nice weather outside today. I think I'm going to go for a walk with my camera. You should go outside too. Get some fresh air, yadda yadda yadda. Talk to ya later Senor Alligator.

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