Saturday, February 11, 2012

A thoroughly random interaction with my brother.

I am sitting at my computer, editing photos, listening to Blondie and eating some of the BEST sausage my tastebuds have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I have to tell you I'm normally not a big sausage fan, so this is kind of a big deal for me.
Hmmmm what else do I have to blog about right now??? I don't know... I've been having quite a lot of trouble blogging lately. My life just feels very uneventful. Okay, I guess I'll share with you a conversation I had with my brother this morning. The following dialogue took place after a petty argument that I can't remember any more. It must also be noted that my brother is a huge germaphobe.

Me: Okay C-Dawg, you know what? Just for that, I'm gonna drink DIRECTLY FROM THIS BOTTLE OF JUICE. And then no one else will be able to drink it for fear of catching my cooties.
Me: Ohhh yes I would. In fact, I WILL.
C-Dawg lunges for the bottle of juice but misses. We scrabble around, fighting over the juice.
Me: MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm gonna do it. No glass or anything! Just me and this COMMUNITY juice bottle.
Me: YES.
C-Dawg: NO!
C-Dawg: NOOO! DAAAAD---wait a minute... I don't even like cranberry juice. Nobody likes cranberry juice.
Me: That took you much longer than I expected.
C-Dawg: ....
Me: *drinks from juice bottle and walks away*
C-Dawg: ....

So yes. That was a random little nugget of my morning for you to enjoy. Thank you for letting me waste a whole 30 seconds of your life. I truly appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this is so hilarious because I can totally see this playing out in my head and I just love you guys so much. I can't wait for you to come up again soon!
