Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chemistry and Really Mean Posters

Hello there. Do you like chemistry? Today I had an hour and a half of it and I spent it isolating some weird glittery yellow stuff. I think it had something to do with the law of conservation of mass but all I remember is it was really sparkly. Okay, don't think I'm some slacker who doesn't listen in class. I DO. I just didn't want to go into all that sciency stuff with you. Anyways.

There's a picture. I don't think you can really see the sparkliness of it, but believe me, it was there and it was pretty cool. Normally I don't really like Chemistry (I'm a Biology geek myself) but today was pretty cool in that I didn't have to do much more than stare at this beaker. Maybe if you drink it like the instruction packet tells you not to, you'll sneeze glitter. Or turn into spider man. Which would be cooler? Hmmm.
Another thing: those safety instructions they give you with every science lab. I wonder if people ever open those up in the middle of the year and go: "OHH! Am I NOT supposed to drink the unidentified chemicals in this beaker?? Really? Good thing somebody warned me! The only thing keeping me from downing that liquid that smells suspiciously like hydrochloric acid was my lack of a suitable bendy straw..." I feel that if so, those people really kind of deserve what's coming. Survival of the fittest, you know?
That sort of reminds me of this really weird poster in my Chemistry classroom. It's a b&w picture of this blind girl wearing these epic sunglasses and holding one of those stick things in front of her to see where she's going. It says, "Carol never wore her safety goggles... now she doesn't have to." It's pretty mean actually. In between the lines, it's all, "That's what you get, Carol. Too bad you can't see me pointing and laughing at you, haha just in case you didn't catch it, I'm referring to the fact that you're BLIND. Guess you got what you deserved. ...idiot."
Wow, I just reread that paragraph and I must really hate that poster...
So now that I'm done talking about Chemistry, I think I should go study it so I don't fail the class. Happy studying to all you other imaginary friends of mine! Pozegnanie! (That's goodbye in imaginary friend language.)

I lied. It's Polish.

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