Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well this is it folks. I've started school and I gotta say I'm already sick of it. The first five seconds were nice, but I'm ready for summer! Already. Why are there four years of high school???? WHY? Okay, I'm not going to spend this whole time ranting about school. I feel like I should at least wait a whole day before I start bagging on it.
On the bright side, I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while and one of my best friends has transferred to my school this year so that's cool. On the mega downer side, I don't think my obligatory high school "crush" even recognized me. So that kind of sucks. But ohhhhh well.
LET'S THINK OF SOMETHING HAPPY!! hmmmmmm. Did you know they've built a 12-legged robot that can walk on water? Oh, you did? Well I didn't. (Does that count as something happy? I'm not sure...) They've also built a working wallE robot. Why do I know so much crap about robots, you ask? I really don't know. I need more friends.
Man, this post really isn't about anything in particular is it? Nope.
I've got to go to class now so... bye.

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