Friday, September 16, 2011

School, spicy chickenwiches and stuff

I must admit, I've been neglecting this place for a while... School is just so time consuming! Oh well. Good news is: I don't have any bad teachers and I loooooove my English class! :D I also got into a Film Photography class which is awesome because I get to use the school's darkroom and learn more techniques, but it's only supposed to be for seniors and let's just say I'm not a senior... I don't really have any friends in it and I'm pretty sure everybody hates me for getting in but whatcanyado?
What else has been happening? Ooh I read a really cool book called "Love is a Mix Tape" by this editor guy from the rolling stones. Each chapter starts with a mix tape from a different part of his life and it is really cool. It makes me want to make an old-fashioned mix tape reallllyyy baddd. I told my dad this and he laughed so hard. I guess audio tapes ain't that cool no more.
Speaking of my dad, I've decided he's gone ever so slightly insane. I'm pretty sure this must be his mid-life crisis because he wants to buy a motorcycle and attain a weight LOWER THAN MINE. If he succeeds in this second goal I might have to kill him in a slow and painful manner. I just might.
Another thing I must kill is the cafeteria food I am now forced to consume! Since I'm going processed-sugar free, I can't eat the best food at school (the not-really-asian-food-but-still-served-in-a-chinese-take-out-container-with-rice food) and am forced to eat the really gross stuff like the spicy chicken sandwiches. You can't see it but I am silently shuddering in disgust. One is good, two is okay, but if I have to eat much more... who knows what will happen.
On that rather ominous note I shall make my escape. I'd rather go get lost in the rain, and drink pina coladas, but unfortunately I have to go work on school stuff now. Grosss.

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