Sunday, June 3, 2012

Of art and jello and cake!

Hello my friends! How are you all today? I'm very happy. :) I had a wonderful day yesterday!
My 16th birthday is on the 7th, so we had a casual party. And I had... the most incredible cake. As I've mentioned many times, I have a thing for dinosaurs. So when my parents asked me what kind of cake I wanted, I told them I wanted a dinosaur cake. With real dinosaur figurines. And... they got me one! It. Was. Beautiful. The best cake I've ever had! I don't know what the people at the store must have thought. That I was six, probably.

Okay, I know you're just dying to see it. Well, lucky for you, I took an insane amount of pictures:


What else has been going on? Hmmm. Well, I've been inspired by a very lovely blog  called "Sincerely, Kinsey" and as a result I have been making a lot of stitched canvas pieces. Want to see some? No? Too bad. :P

This one is inspired by Jane Eyre....

And this one is inspired by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes...

Aren't they cute? I have so much fun with them. If you'd like to try your hand at it, I would definitely encourage you to do so. Check out the DIY on "Sincerely, Kinsey" to learn how!

Now there's one last thing I'd like to share with you. I went to a Mexican restaurant yesterday and I got the most incredible jello. 

At first, I thought they put a flower inside the jello, but they didn't! The flower is MADE of jello!! It's incredible! But I can't bring myself to eat it, so I'm not sure how it tastes. Ho hum. I think I'm off to eat it now. Goodbye!

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